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ChIP Related Discussions
  1. parameters for normalisation in ChIP - how to represent ChIP data (reply: 2)
  2. Primer design for PCR following ChIP - (reply: 3)
  3. losing the signals in ChIP - (reply: 2)
  4. Will salmon sperm DNA in ChIP protocol interfere the WGA amplification? - (reply: 1)
  5. qPCR problems with chIP samples - (reply: 2)
  6. Phenol/chloroform vs Column purification for ChIP DNA - (reply: 8)
  7. Advantages of ChIP vs. sodium bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 2)
  8. Nimblegen Chip on Chip Data analysis - Data analysis (reply: 2)
  9. Yield after ChIP Assay - (reply: 6)
  10. CHIP - only negative results! - (reply: 6)
  11. ChIP for Dummies - (reply: 9)
  12. ChIP Input (control) necessity - (reply: 1)
  13. Inconsistent ChIP PCR - PCR bands vary from same DNA sample (reply: 3)
  14. ChIP for virus - (reply: 5)
  15. ChIP sonification woes - why is my DNA cut into tiny pieces?? :( (reply: 7)
  16. Negative Control Rabbit IgG for ChIP Assay - (reply: 3)
  17. problem with WGA amplification of my chip sample - (reply: 4)
  18. Chip Troubles - Help: Strong PCR signal from negative control region (reply: 7)
  19. ChIP on chip - simple questions (reply: 1)
  20. Finding out what sequence to study by ChIP - (reply: 21)
  21. Low Ct value in ChIP qPCR - (reply: 4)
  22. Removing RNA from DNA during ChIP Assay - (reply: 3)
  23. CHIP / Is it normal to see pellet after the DNA purification? - (reply: 3)
  24. Best Antibody for CHiP (H3K4 and H3K27) - Looking for the best antibody for histone CHiP (reply: 1)
  25. Chromatin IP - What BSA to use for ChIP (reply: 1)
  26. Can anyone recommend a good IgG Ab for negative control for ChIP? - (reply: 2)
  27. Crazy ChIP! Background probs and All the sudden no signal! - (reply: 3)
  28. which qiagen kit could be used in DNA recovery in ChIP assay? - (reply: 6)
  29. which array platform fro ChIP -chip + /-exaction program you prefer - sharing your ChIP-chip experience on TF and Histone modification (reply: 1)
  30. monoclonal antibody or polyclonal antibody? - which is better for ChIP? (reply: 1)
  31. Question about sonication step for ChIP assay - (reply: 5)
  32. CHIP : Use frozen tissue - (reply: 1)
  33. Problem with qPCR of ChIP input - (reply: 12)
  34. ChIP sonication:different smear in cross-linked and non-corsslinked samples - (reply: 8)
  35. ChIP: SDS precipitates during sonication...any ideas? - (reply: 7)
  36. i was confused about ChIP result - i need help (reply: 1)
  37. Labelling ChIP samples - ARG! Hope someone can help! (reply: 1)
  38. ChIP and qPCR - ChIP and qPCR (reply: 4)
  39. Input problem with fast chip protocol - (reply: 6)
  40. ChIP densitometry - (reply: 1)
  41. control for ChIP - (reply: 2)
  42. input problem from ChIP prep - (reply: 5)
  43. Worries about ChIP results.. - (reply: 1)
  44. some questions about fast ChIP - (reply: 2)
  45. High quality formaldehyde for ChIP? - (reply: 2)
  46. Nuclear extraction of brain tissue for ChIP - (reply: 3)
  47. No DNA after sonication for ChIP - (reply: 2)
  48. ChIP sample storage - (reply: 4)
  49. ChIP Fixation & Protease inhibitors - (reply: 1)
  50. ChIp on mouse liver - (reply: 9)
  51. ChIP and qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)
  52. Fast ChIP Method and Chelex - (reply: 5)
  53. ChIP Troubleshoot - (reply: 1)
  54. Chip Assay - PCR step (reply: 3)
  55. ChIP qPCR data analysis? - (reply: 9)
  56. Magna ChIP kit from Upstate - Insufficient volume or reagents? (reply: 1)
  57. chip assay primers - chip assay primers (reply: 2)
  58. CHIP enrichment varies? anyone can help? - (reply: 3)
  59. ChIP on chip - can anyone help me? - (reply: 4)
  60. Magnetic ChIP - Magnetic Rack - (reply: 4)
  61. ChIP cell lysis buffer - what lysis buffer do you use for Chromatin IPs (reply: 6)
  62. ChIP - Is it possible to spin beads too hard? - (reply: 8)
  63. How do you determine the linear range of ChIP and input samples? - (reply: 2)
  64. ChIP sonication problem - (reply: 7)
  65. Affymetrix chip - unexpressed genes, which signal cuttof to use - (reply: 1)
  66. no-antibody control is stronger than my sample! - in ChIP.. (reply: 5)
  67. Phenol/Chlorophorm DNA precipitation after ChIP - (reply: 4)
  68. ChIP - a couple of Q's about real time validation - Too much background? Compare to IgG or Input? (reply: 1)
  69. RT-PCR using formaldehyde cross linked samples - RNA extraction using CHIP crosslinked samples (reply: 1)
  70. ChIP on peripheral blood samples.... - anyone done it?? (reply: 2)
  71. ChIP: bright 300bp band after RNAse A - (reply: 1)
  72. Help: RNaseA or Proteinase K or both for DNA extraction in CHIP - (reply: 3)
  73. ChIP PCR problems - I can't get rid of the smears! - (reply: 6)
  74. CHIP calculation. confused! - (reply: 2)
  75. QPCR versus regular PCR for Chip - (reply: 2)
  76. ChIP has eaten all my DNA! - (reply: 1)
  77. good positive controls for Chip - (reply: 3)
  78. why do I see enrichment in ChIP inner control? - (reply: 2)
  79. How to obtain pure DNA from ChIP - (reply: 3)
  80. ChIP assay using Matrigel-3D cell culture - (reply: 2)
  81. positive IgG in ChIP - (reply: 2)
  82. ChIP - reproducibility problem - (reply: 9)
  83. what is meaning of true enrichment for chip qPCR? - (reply: 5)
  84. What in ChIP samples inhibit PCR? - (reply: 2)
  85. chip assay dna pptn - (reply: 3)
  86. ChIP'ing for Big, Indirect Coactivators - Looking for tips on how to get this difficult ChIP to work.. (reply: 6)
  87. Designation of PCR primers in ChIP experiment - (reply: 3)
  88. CHIP western - Western after CHIP (reply: 4)
  89. ChIP chip stripping - (reply: 1)
  90. PCR smear with CHIP - (reply: 2)
  91. Smear in PCR after ChIP - (reply: 2)
  92. how to purify ChIP DNA by using kit - (reply: 4)
  93. How many cycles in PCR would you recommend for ChIP - (reply: 3)
  94. ChIP with unknown DNA target - (reply: 2)
  95. ChIP and qPCR calculation ? - (reply: 8)
  96. Yeast ChIP Help - No DNA after sonication - - (reply: 2)
  97. Is this sonication result good for ChIP? - (reply: 6)
  98. ChIP PCR help, maybe is the problem of SDS. - (reply: 4)
  99. chromatin yield (ChIP) - chromatin yield from primary cells (reply: 3)
  100. Working antibody for human NFkB (p65) ChIP assay ? - (reply: 2)
  101. Input Control for ChIP - (reply: 3)
  102. what is CDS primer used as a control for QPCR in CHIP? - (reply: 2)
  103. Filamentous pellet when you sonicate in ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
  104. solid support for ChIP washes - (reply: 7)
  105. ChIP tag, Flag or HA sequence - (reply: 3)
  106. Companies for ChIP Ab - (reply: 2)
  107. ChIP IgG has the same signal than the antibody tested - (reply: 9)
  108. ChIP on chip Affymetrix - Ampification protocol - Quality of amplified DNA (reply: 5)
  109. Controls in ChIP experiments? - (reply: 5)
  110. ChIP DNA concentration - (reply: 7)
  111. CHIP assay shows same fold enrichments over IgG in both my gene promoter and bet - CHIP negative control (reply: 2)
  112. Negative control primer for ChIP - (reply: 3)
  113. Using Westerns to check crosslinking in ChIP - (reply: 2)
  114. ChIP _ genomic DNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  115. Post ChIP DNA amount - (reply: 1)
  116. My primers don't work with Chip - (reply: 1)
  117. how to validated CHIP after H3k27 3Me - (reply: 5)
  118. ChIP in mouse tissues, How to crosslink ? - (reply: 1)
  119. CHIP: No enrichment in IP DNA Relative to Input - (reply: 4)
  120. ChIP assay! - (reply: 1)
  121. Can restriction digestion be replaced by CHIP? - (reply: 5)
  122. Special Question to KPDE - Fast chIP (reply: 2)
  123. Protease inhibitors used in CHIP - (reply: 2)
  124. what is the perfect volume for immunoprecipitation step of ChIP? - (reply: 4)
  125. real time PCR with ChIP - (reply: 4)
  126. How do people shear their chromatin for ChIP? - Tips and Hints with Fragmenting Chromatin (reply: 1)
  127. CHIP sonication chromatin size - (reply: 1)
  128. ChIP: I get smear after PCR? - (reply: 2)
  129. ChIP on Affy's Human Promoter 1.0R array - (reply: 20)
  130. Why my ChIP PCR results are always unrepeatable? even from the same sample. - (reply: 7)
  131. Titrate chromatin for chIP - (reply: 2)
  132. Help with ChIP analysis using Taqman - (reply: 1)
  133. ChIP DNA yield problem - (reply: 2)
  134. No product after chIP? - (reply: 1)
  135. Selection of Antibodies for CHip - (reply: 7)
  136. Please Help me, about Chromatin IP(ChIP)! - CHIP (reply: 1)
  137. problem of DNA sonication in CHIP assay - (reply: 2)
  138. Please check my ChIP sonication gel - (reply: 4)
  139. Does anyone know any kind of array or chip for methylation scan? - (reply: 3)
  140. About two-step Chip - (reply: 1)
  141. testing CHIP samples on Western - how to de-crosslink (reply: 2)
  142. ChIP assay results interpretations - (reply: 3)
  143. Is ChIP is a good choice to find the DNA sequence for a binding protein? - (reply: 2)
  144. ChIP and CpG island microarrays - (reply: 1)
  145. Dynal (Magnetic) beads for ChIP? - (reply: 3)
  146. ChIP - (reply: 1)
  147. ChIP sonication problem - (reply: 4)
  148. How to purify the ChIP DNA - (reply: 4)
  149. ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
  150. problems with PCR from chIP material - double band PCR from chIP material (reply: 2)
  151. My ChIP product Western is dirty - (reply: 7)
  152. Has anyone read about doing ChIP on tumor specimans? - (reply: 1)
  153. why couldn't I see my protein on western blot after ChIP? - (reply: 3)
  154. The Histone H3.1 and Histone H3.3 variant quandry - How can you tell the difference in a ChIP?? (reply: 2)
  155. ChIP Assay and no clear answer from professor - (reply: 3)
  156. ChIP on frozen tissue samples - (reply: 7)
  157. ChIP: Equal DNA Pull-Down in Positive and Negative Controls - HELP - (reply: 14)
  158. ChIP from low amount of cells - (reply: 1)
  159. Problem in first step in ChIP - (reply: 9)
  160. ChIP primer for promoter region of GAPDH - for taqman analysis (reply: 2)
  161. ChIP control for transcriptional repressor? - (reply: 1)
  162. How long can the whole cell extract for ChIP stay in -80C? - (reply: 1)
  163. EMSA done...what would ChIP assay add - (reply: 2)
  164. how to evaluate chIP enrichment efficency? - (reply: 1)
  165. ChIP crosslinking - (reply: 2)
  166. ChIP qPCR analysis - (reply: 2)
  167. Got different size PCR products from chIP - (reply: 7)
  168. How can I extract Chromatin-protein complex without using Chip? - The cheapest method to prove a protein to bind DNA (reply: 3)
  169. ChIP sonication problems...can I use 20 sec pulse? - (reply: 2)
  170. ChIP control problems - (reply: 1)
  171. how everyone obtain skills for chip assay? - Is it necessary to learn it from another lab? (reply: 5)
  172. positive controls for CHIP - (reply: 2)
  173. pre-immune serum in CHIP IP - (reply: 1)
  174. ChIP sonication problems - shearing dna before actually sonicating (reply: 3)
  175. How to design PCR primers in ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
  176. strange CHIP input result - (reply: 3)
  177. How to test ChIP cross-linking and reversal? - (reply: 18)
  178. ChIP sonication problem: too wide range of smear - too wide range of smear (reply: 9)
  179. how many antibody eveyone use for CHIP assay - (reply: 2)
  180. CHIP and CHIP with tagged proteins - (reply: 1)
  181. Advantages of ChIP over EMSA - (reply: 3)
  182. internal assay controls for histone ChIP - (reply: 6)
  183. ChIP protocol and tips - (reply: 8)
  184. function of LiCl in ChIP wash buffer - (reply: 1)
  185. CHIP - Harvesting cells by trypsin - (reply: 1)
  186. starting amount of DNA for ChIPs - using the ChIP for ChIP-on-chip analysis (reply: 1)
  187. HELP! Background in ChIP assay - (reply: 1)
  188. ChIP Normalization - (reply: 2)
  189. DNA shearing optimization for ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
  190. CHIP questions - proteinase K digestion and DNA shearing - (reply: 2)
  191. Cross-linking and cross-link reversal for ChIP - (reply: 3)
  192. ChIP quantification (qPCR) - (reply: 2)
  193. ChIP DNA purification - URGENT please (reply: 8)
  194. Nonspecific precipitation in ChIP - (reply: 4)
  195. ChIP assay sonication problem - (reply: 36)
  196. 6 Hour ChIP method - (reply: 3)
  197. ChIP analysis using tissue and controls - (reply: 3)
  198. ChIP - no immunoprecipitated DNA - (reply: 12)
  199. ChIP: Sonication - (reply: 7)
  200. ChIP protokol question - (reply: 2)
  201. DNA amount in ChIP - (reply: 2)
  202. Reliable ChIP primers for Sp1? - (reply: 2)
  203. CHIP on Chip array - (reply: 11)
  204. Has anyone tried to sonicate Jurkat cells for ChIP assay? - (reply: 7)
  205. ChIP sonication Input Agarose gel - (reply: 1)
  206. CHIP with Tagged Proteins - (reply: 2)
  207. help with ChIP control--urgent! - (reply: 6)
  208. Nuclear extracts for ChIP? - (reply: 1)
  209. Avoiding non-specific DNA binding in ChIP assays - (reply: 3)
  210. ChIP DNA sonication conditions - (reply: 3)
  211. Problematic results with ChIP - need help troubleshooting - (reply: 3)
  212. ChIp using Drossophila imaginal discs - (reply: 1)
  213. qPCR after ChIP - lack of reproducibility - (reply: 9)
  214. CHIP FOR CBP - (reply: 1)
  215. Blocking in ChIP - (reply: 2)
  216. MNase vs sonication for ChIP - (reply: 6)
  217. On antibody storage and ChIP - (reply: 3)
  218. affymetrix gene chip compering to agilent gene chip - (reply: 2)
  219. ChIP sonication using a cup horn - (reply: 1)
  220. Variability in ChIP assay - (reply: 4)
  221. Trascruz reagents for ChIP assays - (reply: 3)
  222. DNA length to be amplified in ChIP. - What should be DNA size range? (reply: 1)
  223. ChIP analysis - how to analyze CHIP data accuretly? - (reply: 2)
  224. Discussion: ChIP PCR control - (reply: 12)
  225. No PCR products with the ChIP DNA - (reply: 5)
  226. SOS call: ChIP assay in Huh7 cells - How many cells? And primer position? (reply: 3)
  227. lightcycler controls and standard for CHIP - (reply: 3)
  228. Which antibody to use for ChiP? - Monoclonal or polyclonal? (reply: 5)
  229. Problems in CHIP assay? - How can i get rid of multiple bands in CHIP assay? (reply: 3)
  230. amount of DNA after Chip - (reply: 1)
  231. Can ChIP be applied on tissue samples? - (reply: 5)
  232. ChIP Negative Control - Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (reply: 1)
  233. ChIP lysis buffer - Chromatin (reply: 2)
  234. Using qiagen kit for ChIP DNA purification - (reply: 4)
  235. Sepharose or agarose in ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
  236. ChIP with primary human CD4+ Lymphocytes possible ? - (reply: 1)
  237. Q re: optimizing sonication in ChIP - (reply: 2)
  238. CHIP - region - (reply: 1)
  239. ChIP again... - (reply: 1)
  240. tissue ChIP - (reply: 2)
  241. Can I use the upstate ChIP protocol for mouce tissue? - (reply: 5)
  242. Background in CHIP - (reply: 7)
  244. ChIP sample storage - (reply: 5)
  245. Question about ChIP? - (reply: 2)
  246. ChIP - some basic FAQs - (reply: 9)
  247. CHIP with nuclei - (reply: 1)
  248. ChIP assay loading control - (reply: 6)
  249. ChIP DNA sonication problem - got too big and too small fragments (reply: 3)
  250. non-specific band in ChIP assay - (reply: 1)
  251. How to search and retrieve promoter sequence for methylation or ChIP study - (reply: 17)
  252. ChIP assay - Foaming in sonication and other woes - (reply: 41)
  253. Ampification in no-antibody control of ChIP assay - High background - (reply: 14)
  254. ChIP against transcription factors - (reply: 7)
  255. PCR for ChIP - PCR for ChIP not working (reply: 3)
  256. ChIP sonication woes - Losing DNA? (reply: 4)
  257. sonication for ChIP - protocols for sonication in a water bath for ChIP (reply: 2)
  258. ChIP Assay and sonicators - ChIP assay question (reply: 4)
  259. FLAG (M2) EZView beads in ChIP assay - Background binding trouble (reply: 4)
  260. ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
  261. CHIP assay - (reply: 1)