My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
I will be there, DRN, but just watching (the wheel go round and round)
You have planned to do one last experiment before taking a few days off. Everyone else in the institute has had the same plan. All machines are fully booked until after the New Year. Take this as a sign from a higher power that you need a break. You have realized that most gifts from the Secret Santa are terrible. You were given soap; this is not a subtle hint at your hygiene standards. Your Santa bought it at the hospital gift shop half an hour before the gift giving ceremony. You have realized that stress is excellent diet technique. Lucky colours: all-the-powders-look-the-same white, and is-this-yeast-off beige. Lucky numbers: 1e-21 and 3.02e-22
I sure did not speak a word with anyone here yesterday . . just me and stati.
Ok, for today :
Sometimes you rebel against being part of a group activity because you are afraid of losing your individuality. Now, however, you may be overly eager to let go of your own agenda and simply play whatever role is necessary to keep the peace. It's not that you are a pushover; it's just that you have bigger fish to fry and should save your energy for when you need it most.
And, tomorrow is the big clean-up day when all of us as a team get together on our knees and scrub every inch clean. 大掃除。 So that must be the group activity it is telling about, eh. And, what fish?
V. . Taurus should ask Santa for new machines.
Aries for Wednesday
You may believe that this is a fateful period of time for you, but you don't quite know where it will take you. Unfortunately, you could waste a lot of energy today attempting to figure it all out, but the more you try, the less you know for sure. Instead of making long-term plans now, just be honest with yourself and compassionate toward others. Your path may appear to clear in the next few days, but real clarity will probably remain elusive for a while longer.
. . now give me a break! What do U mean by next few days? I am already sick and tired of trying to figure out what my data are saying. . no more stati now!!
It's challenging for you to relax today because you are pushing up against intense resistance to change. Although you might try to blame your current frustration on someone else, it's actually coming from within you. You can try to close your eyes and pretend you don't understand what's going on or you can choose to confront your own fears as you attempt to get to the bottom of your own psychological drama.
I need someone to blame all my frustrations on, eh.
Some odd duck is trying to get your goat. Playing possum won't help. You'll feel the need to make a serious decision, but you'll be able to pull it off. Don't sweat it--clear your throat and make the announcement.
Do I need to clear my throat because I'm a little horse?
" A crazy careless moron screws up your experiment and escapes your fury by going out of town (to celebrate X-mas holidays). You are left seething with anger
, using choicest of cuss words which no one would hear. A misunderstanding with your dear friend is cleared up and you decide to celebrate the occasion by going out for dinner. Your boss will leave for a week-long vacation and your day will end with a smile"
Your feelings are all over the map today as the Moon's visit to your impulsive sign heightens your emotional response to whatever is happening. But your moods are inconsistent now and others may get tired of your changing needs. Don't press your luck. If you know when to quit, you could get what you want. But if you expect too much, you may be left unsatisfied. Ultimately, the choice is yours.
sounds scary to me!
@DRN : U sound like V up there.
Today work on your diplomacy skills. You may find yourself stuck in a difficult situation that is not of your making but which you have to get yourself out of. Nothing but tact will seem to work in this tricky situation. You will have to use your language and social skills to get out of this one. Put your thinking cap on and use your words to pull yourself clear of this problem!
i will be around in the Words thread, whole day long...........
@Nabs, yeah, u r daily prediction was gain about some spiritual pursuit, which is so boring to write......n y'day was a day of fluctuating emotions for me n i decided to jot it down real day, not predicted day............
This can be quite a disheartening day if you believe that you can change someone's feelings through empty gestures or threatening words. The only way to make a positive impact now is by letting go of control and surrendering to your emotions. Though this might not normally be an intelligent strategy, calculated actions based upon logic alone will only further box you in. Be bold and take a chance.