My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
You may receive some upsetting news from a family member today, Sagittarius. It could have you reeling for a moment, but when you take the time to think about it some more you'll realize that things aren't as troubling as they first seemed. Be sure to get all the facts before taking any action. You want to be sure to do what's right in this situation.
Confusion and arrogance may color today's communication, but you ought to be able to cut through all that if you're willing to hear opposing ideas out -- as respectfully as possible!
the story of my life....
so Ur horoscopologist does know U. Good luck with ur communication. Modern technology has made possible communication with astronauts in space but not the person sitting next to U.
Someone's indecisive behavior may increasingly bother you today until you lose your temper. But you might learn something important about yourself if you stop to think about your own role in your current frustration. Your impatience could be motivated by your insecurity and it may be more of a problem than the other person's ambiguity. Pull back and give others more space to let them make decisions at their own pace.
I am impatiently waiting for the day when it will say it is good to lose temper over someone's indecisive behaviour.
and your horoscopologist knows you as well.... who needs patience bb san?
Things are a little freaky right now, especially around the house. You need to ride it out, as there's no easy way to get around the situation as it stands. Be prepared for a long rant from someone close.
I have seen this day coming for a long time....
Nabi on Mar 29 2010, 07:18 PM said:

Resist the urge to scurry down the rabbit hole when the going gets tough today. It would be best to deal with these problems dead on, as you'll gain nothing by avoiding them. Remember to seek guidance from friends and family members you trust.
Hm. Spot on.
Everything becomes a bit more complex today because you cannot escape your feelings just by doing something else. Your emotions are more persistent now and they can gnaw at your awareness until you acknowledge them and consider the issues that they raise. Although you may be irritated because you want to be independent of your attachments, slowing down and sinking into your current experience can teach you more than running off in search of the next one.
what is this supposed to mean?
Although nothing seems easy today, you are able to draw energy from a deep well of confidence. You might not even know where you are getting your self-assuredness from, but you don't have the time to get lost in endless analysis. It doesn't matter whether or not you have a long-term plan; just aim high and do the best you can. It's more important to be doing something productive than thinking about what you could do in the future.
''getting lost in endless analysis', eh
It's my birthday today.
Try not to take on too much today -- especially if you're surrounded by pranksters! Anything could be part of an elaborate April Fool's joke, so use your intuition to avoid the worst of it.
happy birthday bb-san
You may be a bit uncertain as to what to do next, for although you can see unrealized potential wherever you look, there isn't enough time in the day to pursue every opportunity. Therefore, setting priorities is a crucial component to your happiness. Luckily, the idea of slowing down sounds good to you now, making it easier to cut back on your involvement in activities that could prevent you from finishing what you start.
I have been doing this 'slowing down' technique for decades now. It always sounded good to me. Does it really work?
The world is full of people who don't get along very well with each other. We all have various methods and mechanisms for coping with this. We may, for example, limit the amount of time we spend in a particular person's company. We may create psychological filters that stop us from noticing the annoying habits of our companions. Or we may just learn to enjoy being irritated and vexed. Every so often, though, two people can form a bond of genuine, mutual, appreciation. That rare possibility presents itself this weekend. A rare 'Cosmic Cross' is coming soon! This 'T-Square' will bring change to the world... and it will bring change to YOUR life. If you're ready for it, it can be a time of unparalleled opportunity.
I can't be irritated, I'm back from holiday. I guess I"ll have to wait for this cosmic cross!