My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
Your holiday weekend will be marred by the exams unfeeling profs schedule on your first day back. No leisure time for you! You will develop a self-inflicted illness this week--sales will entice you to overindulge in your 'poison.' (A few miles on the treadmill will improve your condition.) Bring the remainder, if any, to the office to sweeten your advisor's outlook on your progress.
You may be drawn into an emotional drama now, even if you attempt to keep conversations on the lighter side of life. But it can reach a point where your philosophical approach becomes a way for you to deny your own feelings. It's one thing to walk on the sunny side of the street when possible; however, today there are treasures awaiting your discovery if you are willing to step into the shadows. You will be enjoying your day but your wallet and liver will be crying the whole day. They will need quite some time to recover.
Your life has taken a serious turn, and a sensible approach to your current responsibilities will help you make the most of this phase. Don't try to avoid the intensity now because it narrows your focus. Fortunately, the more you are able to concentrate your attention, the more effective you can be in overcoming your own resistance to change
Wow! thats practically telling you to procrastinate and not focus on work
'Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.' So said Buddha. There's a lot you can talk about, a lot you can explain, a lot you can rationalise and a lot you can argue with today. There is, though, one thing you can say that will make you feel a lot better - and spread a lot of happiness around your world. Reach for the highest, the wisest and the kindest way to proceed. Say the one thing that will make a difference, that will touch someone's heart... and help to heal an old wound.
I'm on a mission to make my colleagues happy then I guess
I like yours LiL.
This may be one of the better days of your week, if not of this entire month. From the moment you enter the office to the last minute of your day, you might just feel like the office rock star. Your investments are likely to do quite well, too. By the end of the day, you'll be riding high.
I stayed home and studied for two exams...Heh, fooled that guy.
Ah but did you feel like a rockstar when you were studying for your exams?
I"m still on a mission of peace- I hope my grumpy head of department is getting it, I've been applying the warmth and kindness, which some others would do it aswell....
We all like it when people are nice to us. We enjoy being smiled at, complimented or treated with a degree of deference. We all hate to be antagonised, criticised or ignored. None of this is rocket science. It's just plain common sense. We all understand that this is how the world works. Why, then, do some of us seem to find it so hard to be friendly and reassuring? Why do we grow so defensive and treat one another with such suspicion? Everything will improve today if you continue to apply a little warmth and kindness.
You can say what's on your mind today but you'll need to pick your topics of discussion carefully because your words might stir up controversy. You won't be satisfied following the party line now, yet you still appear to have ideas that are intelligent and sensible. Others will listen to you, even if they don't agree with what you are saying.
Speaking, eh. Not really what I will ever want to do here; no matter how carefully I choose my words.
maybe if you speak in your native language- that way you can be as controversal as you like (no one will understand- or I hope not )
then I can invite U to my sayounara party anytime this or next weekend.
I don't have that good vocabulary in my native language to speak my opinion on any science related issues. I suck at all the languages I know.
I"m sure you don't need to talk about sciency stuff at a sayonara party. Does this mean you're leaving?