My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
Although you are well known for being able to be in the here-and-now, the present moment is always transforming into the next, which can make you very impatient. Today, however, you appear to have all the time in the world and are content with the status quo. But don't get too lazy because the work you do now can have enduring positive consequences.
It tells me to slow down all week and now telling me, 'don't get lazy'
Everything is jumping today and you are not sure whether you like it or not. The high-frequency energy is not necessarily good for productivity because you are a bit scattered as you attempt to juggle too many activities at once. At first it seems like fun, but then your amusement could turn to dismay when you cannot keep up with what you started. Do yourself a favor now and don't try to fit so much into your day.
it just wants me to sit down quietly, doesn't it? then it will say daon't be lazy! how fair?
I think its going for streamlining your day more than promoting laziness
Aquarius- Are you feeling cheerful? You should be. Things are trundling along about as well as they can be expected to. We can't (and won't) deny the existence of certain tricky problems. We shall (and must) give due deference to the enormity of the discovery you are starting to make. We have to (and will) allow a little justified anxiety about this. But then, nothing ventured... nothing gained. You are venturing a lot more than nothing now. In the long run, it's going to give you back an awful lot more than just a 'little something'.
Woo hooo Nature paper here we come then!
my gosh, today, your all-around horoscloplologist is showing the Mary Poppins persona......but you go for the Nature paper, Lost-san.......and mine today is totally crap esp that part of me being a little person...
now I know what the swingable wood is for
"Banning people from your house can work, especially if reinforced with large heavy blocks of swingable wood. Cartoons will flavour the day for you, today, giving you ideas and humour.
"Thinking strategically" is a cop-out. You did what you did because you're a selfish competitive little person.
You could feel powerless over circumstances that are taking place in your life. It could be so transforming that you completely alter your perspective. Don't lose sight of your vision or beliefs in light of difficult obstacles before you. Try to maintain a positive outlook despite this influence.
This horoscopist lies. I am in complete control of the blizzard raging outside.
You may think that you have a way with words today that will get you whatever you want. But even if you are quick-witted and charming, you still can come across as being too aggressive for the situation. Tone it down or you could possibly offend someone without even realizing what you have done. Practice patience and consider other people's feelings before thinking of yourself.
mmmm, other people also have feeling, eh. Never realised that before.
You feel you ought to stop before you go too far. How can you say that, when in one way, you have only just started? You can sense enormous potential. It is making you apprehensive. What if you unleash something you cannot control? But how much can any of us truly control? Ignorance may not be bliss; but nor is knowledge. Knowledge is power and power is only bliss if you recognise that you have it and feel comfortable about how you need to use it. If that's not the case now, though, it will be soon. You haven't got a 'problem'. You have an incredible opportunity.
I think today is not the day to do any viral work then
Friendly Venus is tugging on your heartstrings from individualistic Aquarius today and you might not know which way to turn. You aren't happy about being vulnerable, and you would rather be independent of the responsibilities that come along with a relationship. But you are aware of the potential for transformation, even if it means expressing yourself in ways that may not be fully comfortable. Remember, you cannot use logic to rationalize your actions now. Just follow your heart.
And, my heart says. . do nothing today too . . preparing alpha 2.3 version of my manuscript to release it someday soon.
my day today is going to be......stressful. i knew it since i got up this morning but tried to remain positive. couldn't hold it for too long tho...
Let's imagine you're strolling down an unfamiliar street, looking for a place that seems welcoming. What's most likely to draw you in? A bricked up door? A busy building full of people who look as if they are all preoccupied with their plans and projects? Or a nice big friendly sign saying, 'Come on in. Strangers are welcome here!' Now, imagine that you are not you; you are 'luck' wandering the world, wondering who to visit. If you want to invite luck into your life now, do what you can to show that if it drops by, you'll be ready for it!
I"m errecting a large flashing sign now!