My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
Aries :
You may be proud of yourself for being so practical today, even if your fantasies are tempting you to avoid your responsibilities. Unfortunately, you might not be as grounded as you think. It could take someone else to point out what you are missing. Don't be defensive; although the feedback may seem harsh at first, you will ultimately be more productive if you are open to hearing what is being said.
so, go ahead guys. Point out what I am missing!
Nabi on Dec 11 2009, 09:43 AM said:
You may be proud of yourself for being so practical today, even if your fantasies are tempting you to avoid your responsibilities. Unfortunately, you might not be as grounded as you think. It could take someone else to point out what you are missing. Don't be defensive; although the feedback may seem harsh at first, you will ultimately be more productive if you are open to hearing what is being said.
so, go ahead guys. Point out what I am missing!

Hmmmmm I should be able to help, but now I can't think of anything- are you missing tantamen perhaps?
AQUARIUS- That famous intellect of yours is all fired up and ready to go today -- so make the most of it! You may dream up a hot new project or just see an obvious solution that everyone else has missed.
LostintheLab on Dec 11 2009, 11:57 AM said:
AQUARIUS- That famous intellect of yours is all fired up and ready to go today -- so make the most of it! You may dream up a hot new project or just see an obvious solution that everyone else has missed.
Perfect day to do some stats, LiL or plan a new project.
and, tantanmen is sitting on my desk right now. 7-11 has tantanmen here. How about up there?
Nabi on Dec 11 2009, 12:08 PM said:
LostintheLab on Dec 11 2009, 11:57 AM said:
AQUARIUS- That famous intellect of yours is all fired up and ready to go today -- so make the most of it! You may dream up a hot new project or just see an obvious solution that everyone else has missed.
Perfect day to do some stats, LiL or plan a new project.
and, tantanmen is sitting on my desk right now. 7-11 has tantanmen here. How about up there?
It is...
Tantamen- I'm not sure, I'm having kimchi nabe tonight
LostintheLab on Dec 10 2009, 10:41 PM said:
Nabi on Dec 11 2009, 12:08 PM said:
LostintheLab on Dec 11 2009, 11:57 AM said:
AQUARIUS- That famous intellect of yours is all fired up and ready to go today -- so make the most of it! You may dream up a hot new project or just see an obvious solution that everyone else has missed.
Perfect day to do some stats, LiL or plan a new project.
and, tantanmen is sitting on my desk right now. 7-11 has tantanmen here. How about up there?
It is...
Tantamen- I'm not sure, I'm having kimchi nabe tonight
oh that's one of my favourites LiL-san......just think of me while eating it

I'd like to see yours? how did it match up to your day?
mine too. This year I haven't had chance to have Kimchi nabe till now except one occasion . .
U can put anything that predicts what U r going to do that day (not the weather report) and come back later and tell us how well it went.
for sure mine will say...don't I'll post mine tomorrow...
I have already bestowed you guys with my royal presence as a tsumaranai mono ( a little self-deprecation there) but I need to take my royal leave now to retire to my royal chamber for my royal sleep...oyasuminasai and happy POETS day, LiL-san and BB-san...don't work too hard...
Aries :
Something you've wanted for a while could become more important as your desires intensify today. You might even feel as if you won't be able to satisfy your current needs, which could increase your drive even more. Paradoxically, the harder you push now, the longer it will take to reach your goal. Relax and enjoy what you have instead of trying for more.
means no statistics today! Hurray!! Am off to watch a movie.
ok guys! my zodiac prediction for 2day was:
You are hungry for spiritual knowledge today. You feel a strong need to know where you are going internally. All this soul searching will definitely help you touch base with yourself and set things right. Go ahead and look within and bring out the best that is in you.
well, I did do some soul searching but I think i hv misplaced it somewhere.......