My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
U will know once U come out of the fog
You want to express your creativity today, but it could upset the status quo. It's smarter to keep your feelings to yourself until they settle down a bit. Nevertheless, you may struggle because you want others to know what you're feeling but don't want to offend anyone with your upfront manner. You won't have to deny your emotions, but moderating their intensity when sharing them is a smart social move
true again! so better be quiet eh.
This is not the time to pinch pennies -- you've got to go for quality! It's one of those days when appearance is almost as important as substance, so you've got to make sure that you've got both angles covered.
had i read my horoscope for today i wouldn't be wearing trousers with holes
If only you'd read your horoscope TJ!
You are now being led into territory that you don't particularly want to travel through. It's all very well to say you have free choice and can resist being dragged along if you wish. Complicated consequences, though, could ensue from such a gesture. That is all the more reason not to sit on the fence. Keep an open mind and an open heart, by all means, but be as decisive as you dare. Either you need to be wholehearted about saying 'no', or you need to give a complete, enthusiastic commitment to your 'yes'.
I'm going to the beer garden tonight with with lab- I chose the "yes" option
only if weather had been nice, would have gone too Planing one for the weekend though.
Responsibilities seem to be piling up at work these days but you may not be ready to tackle them yet. You could be less interested in doing your chores than making plans and considering strategies to get the job done. It's hard to be proactive if you are afraid that your actions won't be as effective as you wish. Even if you cannot take the whole day off, at least give yourself permission to relax and fall a bit behind in your production schedule.
Mmmm, yeah, thats what is happening. . things piling up min by min and I am not ready to tackle them all and all I am doing is making plans how to do them; not yet started to actually do any of them. OK, I fell a bit behind and came late
You've got lots of small details to take care of today -- but you don't mind a bit! It's one of those days that's full of minor tasks and errands that end up filling more time than you expected.
that's right, data processing and getting "unfinished business" solved
You might think that you can rationalize your outrageous ideas today, but no one is buying your version of the story. Even if you are telling the truth as you know it, the way you're going about your work now can make others nervous because you're not following the established guidelines. Consider toning down your rhetoric and adjusting your attitude, for you really don't need to make any enemies at this tim
and I know what he is talking about.
Do we get to hear what he is talking about though?
'Half a love, is much better than no love at all.' So sang Sugar Minott, the legendary reggae artist who died earlier this week. As we can no longer ask him quite what he meant by that, I shall take the liberty of offering my own interpretation. Often, in life, we just can't have all that we want. We either hold out doggedly for our idea of perfection or we accept that what seems to be second-best is potentially more rewarding than we have realised. If there is room for improvement in your situation now, do what you can to improve it!
Hmmm perhaps I should listen to the head of department trying to set me up with J doctors.....
yeah, U will get to hear. I will have a meeting with PI today evening and will have to clarify my mistake in labelling the figures It was a blunder - plain, stupid, last minute mistake. I could do nothing about that
It was one of those small mistakes that escapes ur eyes no matter how many times U read ur manuscript because brain takes the information as granted and interprets correcting the mistake for you...but not to other readers.
And, half love with a J-doc eh. Good luck to your HoD and if he needs any help for that, we are there.
I think you lot will be a better choice for choosing than the HoD...
Messing up the figures is easily done- I realised yesterday that I"m missing my cell images for a figure- I wrote about them, but can't find them!