My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
lab rat on Jan 5 2010, 10:50 AM said:

ummm, I dont think so. I need some one who speaks any one of the languages I speak to actually speak. In the language everyone talks here, all I can do is just repeat the same words again and again.
lab rat on Jan 5 2010, 10:50 AM said:
a giant panda?

Actually, a puppy.
It may seem as if someone is standing between you and your happiness today, but this belief is merely your way to avoid personal responsibility for your dilemma. Instead of placing blame on anyone else, venture inward to better understand your role in the present situation. Paradoxically, making a shift in your own attitude is the most direct way to positively impact the current circumstances.
guess who?
Does it begin with "S" by any chance?
Imagine that you were so important that news crews followed you everywhere. As soon as you ate your breakfast, they filed a report to the nation, telling the world how many mouthfuls you took. If you got a phone call, they would go into a frenzy. Experts would be called into studios to speculate about who had phoned you, and why. Would you enjoy all this attention or would it seem faintly ridiculous? Some things are now being treated with far too much reverence and interest. Don't let them matter too much to you today.
So far, no one has said a word to me- does this mean I'm on a secret camera?
yes, her name starts with 'S'. I am almost sick of her now.
LiL. . . this is country full of ninja. U just don't see them.
Ah so true- I need to work on my ninja sensing skills
"Just because people laugh at you doesn't make you a comedian. Cats are your "animal of the day", which is a new one on us. We always thought cats were the evil creatures who sit on other people's doorsteps and hiss at you when you walk past. I mean, don't get us wrong, we like cats but there are some that just "ain't right" - you know, the ones that stare at you as though staring at fourth-rate scum on an armadillo's backside.
Anyway, that's by-the-by because cats are absolutely the best thing that could happen to you today. Although with the day you're going to have, you'll need all the help you can get. Oh sorry, here I am rattling on about cats when you're in mortal danger! Sorry, run out of space now to tell you all the details - I'll let you kn... The medical degrees you claim you possess were not worth the 70 euros you paid for them through PayPal."
my horoscope readings are getting better and better each day....too bad I'm still allergic to cats...
Cats ARE evil!
LostintheLab on Jan 5 2010, 11:37 PM said:

Cats ARE evil!

I might be
but I'm also a fish person, when I can't have my dog fix