My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
Anyone who messes with you obviously doesn't know you well, because if they did, they'd have some respect for your ability to hold onto a grudge, get even and at the very least, intimidate someone to the point where they're looking over their shoulder for months. So if someone refuses to back off even after you've sent out some extremely obvious warning signs -- well, let's just say that they can't be the sharpest crayon in the box, and they deserve what they get. Still, consider the source before you go full out.
So...I'm evil?
lab rat on Jan 28 2010, 11:12 AM said:

any doubts?

Your key planet Mars is opposite the Sun now, but Mars is currently retrograde, making it even harder for you to swing into action. Just as you're ready to begin a new project, a wave of anger can sweep over you and take your day by surprise. You don't need to wait any longer; now is the time to sprint toward your destination. Focusing your attention on reaching your goals will likely dissipate any unnecessary negativity.
Whatever you're feeling? You're feeling it to the nth degree, and you absolutely can't help yourself from allowing the fullest expression of those feelings. That can be a wonderful thing if you're feeling good about something, but if you're angry, it can be a rather unpleasant thing. Especially for the object of that anger. Try to go easy on anyone who's not as well-armed as yourself. Which, right now, includes just about everyone.
Take that, Nabi-san.
"Your weaknesses may turn out to be your strengths today, and you'll find yourself easily swayed by nonsense that you read online. Having a box of tissues close to hand might become important over the coming minutes. The music you have been listening to has been tainted by the devil."
Clear relations to my life today, great! I just had a nap (a weakness of me) and now feel refreshed, now I read bioforum chitchat posts (the reference should be clear
) . The next is future, let's see...And I hear music from 'Black Sabbath' at the moment....perhaps I should start to believe those texts?
hobglobin on Jan 29 2010, 12:38 PM said:
"Your weaknesses may turn out to be your strengths today, and you'll find yourself easily swayed by nonsense that you read online. Having a box of tissues close to hand might become important over the coming minutes. The music you have been listening to has been tainted by the devil."
Clear relations to my life today, great!

as I don't believe in such stuff all is borrowed somehow
You may believe that you can power your way through just about anything now. Putting on a show can certainly help your cause and could be fun, but you still might take it too far. Make certain that you aren't stepping on anyone's toes; if you are, be sure to apologize without drawing any additional attention to the situation and then move on to what's next.
I am not going to apologize!!! If someone decides to keep ones toe where I am going to step, why should I?
Although you may be tempted to think about your life in general terms today, you'll be much more effective if you can bring everything down to a very practical level. Instead of attempting to understand long-term consequences of anything you do, keep your thinking limited to the here and now. Don't worry about the whole alphabet; just get from A to B as quickly as you can. The rest will follow later.
this horoscopologist is trying his best to make me more lazy. Laziness does not have a limit I hope.
You still have way too much to do. You always have too much to do. If you were any more behind, you would be able to kick yourself. Ever try saying "no"? Sheesh.
I guess this one is for HRH
hobglobin on Jan 31 2010, 11:55 AM said:
You still have way too much to do. You always have too much to do. If you were any more behind, you would be able to kick yourself. Ever try saying "no"? Sheesh.
I guess this one is for HRH

nope, wrong sign.....and I didn't do anything at all today just like in all other days....besides, didn't you say you don't believe in this tried and true science?