My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )
You aren't really a show-off by nature, but you do need to strut your stuff from time to time -- like right now! You can make the right kind of impression without any serious effort on your part.
Aspects of your life that you've neglected lately might haunt you on a day like today, Sagittarius. Make sure you're keeping up with all your responsibilities. Things may come to a dramatic climax at this time, and you could find yourself at an important crossroads. Nervous energy could cause you to run around frantically in search of the right path. Don't let indecision keep you from getting where you need to go.
You might be able to convince yourself that you are on the right track, but you won't get others to believe you unless you really are. It will help if you share your current plans because your friends and associates will be able to see through any faulty reasoning. However, keep in mind that your cleverness could backfire if you're too smooth in your delivery. It's better to know the shortcomings of your new approach sooner than later or you could end up wasting a lot of time
Now that tells me a lot of things I am in right now
wasting time or being too smooth
Imagine an actor in a play... which happens to be about an actor in a play. The actor has to pretend to be someone else who, in turn, is pretending to be someone else. Convoluted? Perhaps. But not impossible to understand. To make sense now, of a confusing situation, you've got to apply an extra level of understanding. Without that, you're only seeing the superficial picture. Once you look beyond the obvious, you'll see something that doesn't just make more sense, it feels far more reassuring and even exciting.
Riiiiiight.. so I've got to pretend to be someone else doing reseach?
Dear Mr. Cosmos,
Please tell me where I'm going and what I should be doing then!
Where were you before you were here? Where will you be when, one day, you are not here any more? And if you can't (as none of us can) answer either of those questions with any certainty, how sure can you be of the decisions you are now making? The cosmos knows much more than you do about what's truly going on in your world. If you want the benefit of that information, you need to reach for a little 'cosmic consciousness'. What might the universe consider your most important priority, today, to be? That's got to be the one to honour.
LostintheLab on Jun 17 2010, 09:12 AM said:
Please tell me where I'm going and what I should be doing then!
Where were you before you were here? Where will you be when, one day, you are not here any more? And if you can't (as none of us can) answer either of those questions with any certainty, how sure can you be of the decisions you are now making? The cosmos knows much more than you do about what's truly going on in your world. If you want the benefit of that information, you need to reach for a little 'cosmic consciousness'. What might the universe consider your most important priority, today, to be? That's got to be the one to honour.

Apparently Mr. Cosmos replied to my request...
A letter for you has just arrived in the astrological inbox. It says, 'Please inform every reader of your Aquarius prediction, that this is a very special weekend, during which the usual rules do not apply. Please pass them all a copy of the following certificate, which exempts them all from stress, worry or the need to do too many things that annoy them. Yours sincerely, The Cosmos.' So there you have it. I have checked the certificate. It is genuine. So now, what stops you from having a good weekend?
Wish everone had such an understanding horoscopologist. Ur weekend is already awesome - no rules eh.
Responsibilities at work have piled up (true), yet you may not want to tackle your obligations head on (true). You are wiser to make plans now rather than actually execute them, for your actions won't likely be as effective as you want (is it?). But this is not about taking the day off. Put your energy toward detailing your production schedule for the next few weeks while checking off some of the smaller items on your task list (Ryokai desu)
LostintheLab on Jun 18 2010, 02:53 AM said:
A letter for you has just arrived in the astrological inbox. It says, 'Please inform every reader of your Aquarius prediction, that this is a very special weekend, during which the usual rules do not apply. Please pass them all a copy of the following certificate, which exempts them all from stress, worry or the need to do too many things that annoy them. Yours sincerely, The Cosmos.' So there you have it. I have checked the certificate. It is genuine. So now, what stops you from having a good weekend?

Well sounds like an automatic reply to an unsolicited (bulk) email....

Mr. Hob- so true
More words of wisdom today
Few things in this world are more precious than an open mind. Yet while we covet gold and trade in land, we place no premium on this rare treasure. And by valuing such base possessions so highly, we close the very minds we should keep open at all cost... and thus rob ourselves of more than we will ever know. As a new comet shines in the solstice sky, think again about a matter that you have prejudged too swiftly or too strongly. There's priceless profit, emotional and material, to be gained from a fresh approach.
I think my fresh approach needs to be found at the beach or in the ice-cream parlour