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My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (Dec/10/2009 )

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You may not be sure of how you feel today because your mood keeps changing throughout the day. You recognize that you're heading into a new phase but you don't know whether to hold on to the past or push into the future. Ultimately, you are best off if you simply keep your attention on what is happening in the present moment without looking back or ahead.

mood swings? :P


Maybe you have sympathy mouse pregnancy mood swings? :P gut is saying GO home and sleep and forget about evil immunofluorescence

Today is one of those twelve or so days every year where your internal learning, your intuition, your gut instinct is going to be super reliable. Rarely for you, it's a time where the feelings are going to be more reliable than the thoughts, so trust your gut. You can make on-the-spot judgements in a way that would normally terrify you, because it appears so irrational and unjustified. But if you go with your inner feelings you'll be right more than 90 per cent of the time. So go with the flow and surf the waves in your life.


Doki on Jun 30 2010, 11:44 AM said:


You may not be sure of how you feel today because your mood keeps changing throughout the day. You recognize that you're heading into a new phase but you don't know whether to hold on to the past or push into the future. Ultimately, you are best off if you simply keep your attention on what is happening in the present moment without looking back or ahead.

mood swings? :P

came true!!

one of my best buddies is getting married and am happy about that but sad that I wont be attending it


Wow freaky!
Your astrologer needs a pay raise :D


I have a reason I have been following this for last 3.5 years or more


wow, you've been following your astrologer's advice for very long bb san! :D

mine is kinda mistaken today... bills won't get paid themselves, and if i don't pay them i might end up in jail :D

Financial issues sometimes vanish from your mind, but right now, they're almost all you can think about. You need to slow down and let things work themselves out with your slow, steady guidance.



Today's Aries Moon can trick you into needlessly worrying about all the wrong things. But oddly enough, you aren't likely to take yourself too seriously now, even if you stop and think about what you are doing. After a few moments of concerned contemplation you are ready to return to action, whether or not you really handled the underlying issue. Remember, you cannot escape from the truth; you will just be required to reprocess your current experience some other time.



It's great to have self-confidence, but you can take it to an extreme today. Being so stubborn that you'll argue over something unimportant isn't really in your best interest. If you're bored enough to think about stirring up some mischief, seek a more creative outlet for your restlessness. Instead of taking your frustrations out on an unsuspecting person, change your attitude and try being more flexible.

I am not speaking to anyone for any reason today. That should solve all the problem.


Seems like a safe bet.
I'm being told to relax again- I can do that :P
You have got a lot to think about at the moment. That is all the more reason to stop thinking. Intellectual activity is rather like physical effort. There is only ever so much that you can safely do in a day. You have to relax and take time out, or you end up straining something and slowing down the very process that you most urgently want to speed up. Run with your most optimistic feelings, even if you can't yet make full sense of them. Your heart can sense the imminent arrival of good news that your head has yet to comprehend.


what good news does your heart sense_? Is there anything for me there? Am waiting for reply for the journal for more than a month and a whole week. Ask you heart if it knows anything. :P

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