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Plant Related Discussions
Problem in Isolating DNA - How to solve the problem of Removing phenolics from aromatic plants wh
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Plant Scientific name - Help me pleasew find Plant Scientific name..!
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Plant source for project -
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e-book of plant biology - needed
(reply: 4)
internal control primers for plants -
(reply: 14)
Aquarium With Fish And Water Plants -
(reply: 10)
plant hormone - signaling
(reply: 6)
Plant Physiology - Seed Germination into wild flower
(reply: 6)
Plant Physiology - How gravity affects plants
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Gravity and plant - How gravity afects plants
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Plant Physiology - Plant Growth
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Arabidopsis protoplasts - can't regenerate plants from protoplasts
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Questions in collection and preservation of plant samples - Purpose: DNA Extraction for DNA fingerprint
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Stain against fungal but not plant material -
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unknown seq out of heterogeneous sample - obligate plant parasite
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Measuring the growth of plant. - Ways to measure the growth of plants.
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Plants being affected by magnetic forces. - To check whether magnetic force will affect plant's growth.
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Problems with purifying a secret His-protein expressed in plant -
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Internal controls for plant RT-QPCR? -
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RNA extraction from plant cell cultures -
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Plant Root Sectioning - Microtome sections of roots embedded in parafin
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Isolation and characterization of plant mRNA -
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A Mutualistic Root Ecosystem article - botany, plant physiology
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southern blot of plant genomic dna - no band detected! percentage of homology matter?
(reply: 15)
parasitic plants -
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I have a problem with the M13 tailed primer method - M13 tailed primers-SSR (plants)
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protein band is shifted after incubation with plant protein extracts! -
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microbial contaminant in plant tissue culture...?! -
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OPINIONS on Plant Tissue Culture- - Please post your opinions and views on plant tissue culture.
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Differential display RT-PCR - Is anybody working in plants especially in Oil seeds?
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Plant miRNA--Need your help! -
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mechanisms in plants -
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plant genomic DNA library preparation -
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Agar mixture for plant tissue -
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plant genomic DNA isolation and PCR - does CTAB affect PCR ?
(reply: 4)
RNA extraction from plant tissue - all method are welcome
(reply: 7)
plant reproduction -
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haploid plants and triploid plants - differences between haploid plants and triploid plants
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Plant Protein Extraction -
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ploidy - How to find Ploidy level in plants
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Plant Cancer -
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Plant cell culture- How do prevent differentiation of callus cells -
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problem wity plant extraction -
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tests to determine alkaloid in plant extract -
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How to break down the plant cell wall? -
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Viral RNA isolation from plant -
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crown gall / Agrobacterium tumefaciens 33970 - genetic transformation of some medicinal plant
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heating of samples during plant protein extraction -
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Tobacco nuclei extraction from plant tissue - Nuclei extraction
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Bisuflite modification kit for plant DNA -
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How to lyse plant nuclei? and keep nuclear protein complex stable -
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plant DNA extraction protocol - troubleshooting
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contamination of plant tissue culture -
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Sectioning of plant material - Latex problem
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about RAPD PCR of plant genomes? -
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Can all bacterial plasmids work in plants too? -
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tween 20 and lanolin in plant physio experiment -
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growing up plant seedlings in MS media -
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determining plant bound silica with hydrofluoric acid -
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a quick question about the plant nutrition -
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How to extract and purify plant proteins? -
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Plant protein extraction and purification - how to extract plant proteins and purify them?
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Problem extracting protein from plant leaf -
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siRNA extraction from plant material -
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Plant protein quantitation - from crude extract
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Polyploidy in plants -
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alternative plant biology - information about non-conventional research
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Sound and plants - sound and plants
(reply: 13)
Puzzle about methylation on plant microRNA -
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RNA from plant tissue shows 3 rRNA bands - RNA isolation by Trizol method
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how do initiation alpinia galanga (plant culture)? - plant biotechnology
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Plant tissue culture -
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degradation of plant compound -
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Plant tissue culture -
(reply: 7)
help!-- plant cell culture -
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Plant DNA celan up - Recipie for clean up solution
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Plant tissue culture -
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Plant leaf agroinfiltration method -
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Plant leaf agroinfiltration method -
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DNA extraction from oilseed plants -
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How to determine the ploidy of the plant? - Help
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isolation of plant compounds - methods of plant compound isolation
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Plant nuclei isolation -
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What agar is best to grow plant leaf bacteria -
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nicotien - what would happen to the plant
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RNAi in plant and detect with real time PCR - Detect gene expression decrease with qRT-PCR
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Arabidopsis in vitro - How to set-up many plants in nice rows
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Plant expression vector -
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Antibiotic resistant mutant - Antibiotic resistance in plant groth promoting bacteria.
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protein isolation of plant tissue -trizol regent -
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Plant leaf RNA extraction using Trizol reagent -
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Anyone has experience with simple AFLP on plant? -
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PCR - RFLP of plant cpDNA - Can I use several restriction enzyms together?
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ideas n opinions plant organelle - frozen plant tissue organelle isolation
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how to select plant material to construct cDNA library? -
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Salicilic Acid content in plant -
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Bacterial DNA extraction from plant tissues -
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Plant Growth Experiment -
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Urea Estimation from Leaf extracts of plants - Urea estimation from plants
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plant protein purification - pectin removal from crude extract
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plant tissue culture protocols - basic plant tissue culture techniques for students
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Why are plants less sensitive then animals? -
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lab fun - fun experiment with plant
(reply: 6)
treat plant such as rice with 5-azaCyd - how to treat rice with 5-azaCyd
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plant DNA extraction -
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Plant gene expression in bacteria and yeast -
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Plant cell wall protein - remove the polysaccharide and purify the protein
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Problems isolating plant genomic DNA -
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DNA extraction method for alcohol preserved plant tissues -
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Can MethPrimer be used for plant? -
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Organelle Structures of Animal and Plant Cells - Question
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plant DNA extraction CTAB protocol - -
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plant housekeeping gene - examples?
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tissue culture of jatropha - tissue culture of biodiesel producing plant
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Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit ? - Can anyone recommend a good one ?
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Plant cell preparation - Flow cytometry
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Plant Culture Cell -
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plant cDNA -
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Expression vector/host for plant genomic sequence -
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Plant Protein Extraction -
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Protein Extraction from planttissue -
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Plant DNA extraction - DNA extraction
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Re: polysaccharides in RNApreps from plants -
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DNA extraction from plantmaterial in fecal samples -
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