Plant tissue culture - (Feb/27/2006 )
Is any PTC expert there? I'm a student, curently studying tissue culture research on Melaleuca alternifolia, also known as tea tree. I'm in trouble of analysing my results obtained...
I've tested the effect of auxins on callus induction from leaf explants of M. alternifolia. The results showed the 3mg/L of 2,4-D was the best treatment for callus induction. However, this treatment was not suitable for maintaining callus growth as the callus turned necrotic as cultivation time longer after several subculture with 3mg/L of 2,4-D.
I've read from other journals that combination of auxin and cytokinin might assist in callus maintenance. thus, I tested combination of 3mg/L of 2,4-D with different concentration of kinetin. 2mg/L of kinetin and 3mg/L of 2,4-D in combination gave the best induction response, though the callus induction capacity was lower than 3mg/L of 2,4-D. Still, I tried the combination for callus maintenence, result showed that combination of cytokinin and auxin successfully maintained callus growth, though this treatment showed lower callus induction capacity.
what confusing me is, why is the combination of auxin and cytokinin was successful for callus maintenence though it showed lower callus induction capacity as compared to the treatment of auxin alone, while the treatment of auxin alone was unable to maintained callus growth though it showed higher callusing capacity compared to the treatment of combination of auxin and cytokinin???
Somebody helpppp.......
the reason for that is cytokinins had the property for prolonging the life of the cells e.g cytokinins helps to increase the life of leaves promoting more photocynthesis so because of that function callus maintinance is efficient in the combination
Muhammad Asif
Thanks for your help. It really helped me a lot.... Thanks!!!!! thousands and thousands of thanks to you!!!
thanks for the appriciation it helped me alot too. where are u from and wt are u studying ? wt is future plane?
I'm from M'sia. Currently studying Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biotechnology.. Will be graduated in the end of April. Maybe will get Master's after that.
Did I helped u? How? As I know,I haven't share any info with you yet...
Oh, where are you come from?