Plant protein extraction and purification - how to extract plant proteins and purify them? (May/29/2006 )
can someone tell me how to extract plant proteins n how to purify them?
thanks a million
there are lots of methods
i personally do a very simple one
weigh the plant leaves
use liquid nitrogen / freeze them in - 70 for a couple of hours
grind well using ice cold 1X PBS ( u can use 2mM PMSF or other inhibitors of proteinases )
transfer to eppendorff or centrifuge tubes
centrifuge at 10000 rpm for 10 min at 4 degree
collect the supernatant
this will be total protein
after this u can do acetone purification
add ice - cold acetone , 2- 3 times the volume of supernatant
keep at - 70 for 1- 130 hour
centrifuge again same conditions as previous centrifuge step
save pellet
wash the pellet with 70% cold ethanol
dry the pellet
dissolve in 0.1M Tris Hcl ( ph 8.3)
but then protein concnetration might get a bit lost
there are other protocols too
there are a number of kits available too