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contamination of plant tissue culture - (Sep/14/2006 )

why contamination can occur in the plant tissue culture...?


QUOTE (shu @ Sep 14 2006, 11:36 PM)
why contamination can occur in the plant tissue culture...?

huh.gif what do u mean?!!
there are hundreds of causes for contamination: the explant is already contaminated so that's why we have to sterile it first, culturing tools can be contaminated, the air around u, incubators sometimes, the media is a good nutritional source for many microrganisms and must be sterilized.....u can think of more and more smile.gif


QUOTE (shu @ Sep 15 2006, 08:36 AM)
why contamination can occur in the plant tissue culture...?

Because bacteria is easy to grow. biggrin.gif

This is almost like the 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' question.
