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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Biology
1621. RNA Pol II CHIP protocol help - suggest protocol (reply: 2)
1622. short question - FDG staining (reply: 2)
1623. 6.7%Polyacrylamide/50% Urea gel - (reply: 1)
1624. STADEN PACKAGE - Problems with Installing staden on MAC (reply: 3)
1625. Migration Distance on a Gel - (reply: 2)
1626. Calculating Primer concentrations for PCR - Is there an easy way to do (reply: 3)
1627. DNA isolation from plant nuclei by plasmid extraction kit - (reply: 1)
1628. BAC isolation - (reply: 2)
1629. Restriction mapping - (reply: 3)
1630. DNA isolation from human serum/plasma - (reply: 1)
1631. Viral DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
1632. Wrong pcr product size - (reply: 4)
1633. Making solutions for RNA work - (reply: 1)
1634. RNA quality - (reply: 3)
1635. gDNA restriction digest - (reply: 1)
1636. why most Annexin 5 products are conjugated? - Can't we use it on its own? (reply: 7)
1637. Cloning long lots of colonies with vectors that have no inserts.. - (reply: 9)
1638. Promoter "optimization" - (reply: 1)
1639. Adding Restriction Site to DNA - (reply: 3)
1640. how to do gel documentation - (reply: 2)
1641. DNA ext from paraffin-embedded tissue ... a dilemma ! - FFPE tissue refuse to lyse strange whitish clumps formed!! (reply: 1)
1642. Glycine linker - (reply: 2)
1643. Why does the amount of plamids transformed affect colony count? - (reply: 2)
1644. How to obatin intron sequence from cDNA sequence? - (reply: 1)
1645. genomic DNA extraction - why there appears a smear on the gel photo (reply: 11)
1646. Colony Pcr - primers - (reply: 5)
1647. cloning more than 1 gene into vector if no IRES available - Xenopus IRES? if not, what to do? (reply: 2)
1648. iCODEHOP help: how are the reverse primers supposed to be read? - Degenerate primer design (reply: 1)
1649. Sequence size and insert size - Sequence size has larger base pair than insert size (reply: 2)
1650. QCMD samples - (reply: 5)