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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Biology
2521. RNA quantification in microplate reader - (reply: 3)
2523. DIG DNA PCR labeling problem - (reply: 6)
2524. tri-reagent rna isolation - (reply: 1)
2525. how to get rid of DNA (in TE) contamination - protein and phenol removal (no kits please) (reply: 17)
2526. Trizol RNA/DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
2527. dna not running for electrophoresis - (reply: 9)
2528. Various size of insert after colony screen by PCR - (reply: 2)
2529. Struggling for months with one little ligation/transformation - please help! - XhoI digested 1,5 kb insert needs to be ligated into 4,8kb vector (reply: 11)
2530. decontamination - decontamination (reply: 2)
2531. Drosophila Northern Blot and RNA questions - (reply: 2)
2532. TNES buffer - TNES buffer (reply: 3)
2533. ESME software for analysis of bisulphite sequencing traces - Where can I get the full version? (reply: 2)
2534. Recovery plasmids from dead bacteria - How can i rescue my plasmid from dead cells??? (reply: 4)
2535. Acid Phenol Preparation - (reply: 1)
2536. Harvest intracellular bacterial RNA - (reply: 2)
2537. Plant RNA extraction problem - A cry for help. (reply: 2)
2538. uneven on gel electroforesis - uneven on gel electroforesis (reply: 4)
2539. 5V/cm what is does mean - 5V/cm what is does mean (reply: 1)
2540. Ethanol residue? - (reply: 2)
2541. RNA reverse transcription riddle - (reply: 6)
2542. inverse PCR molecular bilogy - (reply: 3)
2543. Problem encountered when dosing my gDNA by spectrophotometry - Never experienced such thing before! (reply: 7)
2544. Question on gi no. - (reply: 1)
2545. Pfu is Pol I or Pol II ?? - Silly Q.s. (reply: 1)
2546. how to determine certain gene copy number? - (reply: 3)
2547. in situs: Fixed and store for too long? - (reply: 1)
2548. Phenol - why different for DNA and RNA extraction? (reply: 9)
2549. PCR, RNA, Northern Blotting???? - (reply: 1)
2550. concentration of dna - (reply: 3)