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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Biology
91. lentiviral transduction in BLCL cells - (reply: 3)
92. Are relaxed plasmids origin of rep sensitive to bp substitution in RNA I/II sequ - (reply: 5)
93. Is there a way to drive translation of ONLY in vitro transcribed mRNA? - (reply: 1)
94. Possible to change SimpleProbe/Melting curve to TaqMan or Scorpion? - (reply: 1)
95. Alternate cell line not giving same results as first - (reply: 1)
96. HTP DNA and RNA extraction options??? - (reply: 2)
97. Adding antibiotics to poured plates - (reply: 3)
98. Selecting bacteria with Puromycin - (reply: 1)
99. PCR bands on gel - (reply: 5)
100. RNA Conditioning Solution Agilent Pico Chip - (reply: 1)
101. Is there a way to label a protein translated from a known in vitro-transcribed m - (reply: 1)
102. SYBR Green Real time PCR - (reply: 2)
104. is cell signaling difficult? - (reply: 3)
105. Southern blotting problem (no ladder, high background) - (reply: 3)
106. Point mutation in sanger sequencing - (reply: 2)
107. What would be the shortest and optimal method of extracting human cells for PCR? - (reply: 2)
108. low plasmid concentration - (reply: 1)
109. What make a plasmid candidate for stable transfection - (reply: 1)
110. How to clean up PCR place & pipettes? - (reply: 1)
111. Ligation worked, colonies on plate but none positive - (reply: 3)
112. DNA extraction from FFPE tissue - (reply: 2)
113. EtBr binds to SDS? - (reply: 2)
114. Calculate DNA amount - (reply: 1)
115. ELISA - antibody mixture - (reply: 1)
116. Anyone know where can I get the SV40LT ts? - (reply: 1)
117. I want to know the step of Cell-SELEX techology - (reply: 1)
118. Cloning - Miniprep plasmid contaminated by gDNA? - (reply: 1)
119. EGFR degradation - (reply: 2)
120. DNA Macroarray - (reply: 1)