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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Biology
1381. Proteinase K stock solution - (reply: 3)
1382. Total RNA only produce 1 band in gel - (reply: 2)
1383. Advice on amount of starting template for subcloning - (reply: 3)
1384. New to Gene cloning - Plasmid vector preparation (reply: 2)
1385. PCR for MULTIPLE mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
1386. IF ITS1 and ITS4 using as primer and working on the fungi . Shall we get single - (reply: 12)
1387. Dissolved Primer pellet in pure ethanol instead of water - (reply: 4)
1388. Induction strength : IPTG vs lactose - which one is stronger? (reply: 2)
1389. EMSA - probe disappears with nuclear extract - probe works without nuclear extract... (reply: 1)
1390. What causes RNA/DNA to unbind from silica membrane? - (reply: 1)
1391. Digested PCR product migrate slower than uncut - (reply: 8)
1392. PCR question - (reply: 2)
1393. cloning a 34kb insert - please suggest good vectors (reply: 1)
1394. positive colony PCR, negative restriction digest, positive PC from minipreps - Cloning nightmare (reply: 2)
1395. Do you know good sequencing companies? - Sanger sequencing (reply: 15)
1396. RNA extraction troubleshooting: low 260/230 - (reply: 1)
1397. Illumina sample prep for Multiplexed sequencing... - How does it work? (reply: 3)
1398. RNA in native gel - (reply: 3)
1399. Comment of this cloning strategy - (reply: 3)
1400. Problems with transfection in human cells - (reply: 3)
1401. RNA extraction from FTA classic - (reply: 1)
1402. mCherry propagation - (reply: 1)
1403. ClustalW question - on multiple alignment of DNA sequences (reply: 1)
1404. My DNA pellet doesn't dissolve - Overdried?? (reply: 3)
1405. problem about blue white screening - (reply: 2)
1406. copy number of gene in genome - (reply: 4)
1407. pRSET purification - molecular biology (reply: 2)
1408. TRIzol RNA extraction- What is in the top layer? - (reply: 1)
1409. Smearing...... looks rly bad to me - (reply: 4)
1410. DNA, Gel - Possible reasons for DNA Gel Smear (reply: 12)