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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Biology
961. Weird results for gDNA extraction... - (reply: 5)
962. Does 7dcGTP influence translation in vivo? - (reply: 1)
963. precipitation of RNA after DNase treatment - (reply: 3)
964. Miniprep-cell lysing problem - (reply: 5)
965. result of plasmid extraction - (reply: 2)
966. protein - (reply: 1)
967. Protein localization studies - (reply: 5)
968. Has anyone ever had a large insert when subcloning? Mine is 4.3kb? - (reply: 2)
969. plasmid extraction - (reply: 5)
970. My product of PCR haven't the lenght right after purification....... What - (reply: 2)
971. agarose gel electrophoresis of plasmid extraction - (reply: 12)
972. plasmid extraction - (reply: 3)
973. Is it possible to amplify cDNA with hexamer primers or oligo dT primers to have - (reply: 1)
974. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
975. DNAseI question - (reply: 4)
976. Nanodrop3300 - (reply: 1)
978. How to prepare Gram(+) bacteria for electrotransformation - (reply: 10)
979. Help. Lentivirus. Good titer but no transduction - (reply: 3)
980. Weight of a single Lambda DNA. - (reply: 3)
981. RBS site removed in construct. Will there be expression? - (reply: 2)
982. DEPC treatment (EDTA - AcONa) - (reply: 2)
983. plasmid extraction - (reply: 13)
984. ligation colonies contain empty vector.. - (reply: 9)
985. cDNA or genomic DNA for over expression in Arabidopsis - (reply: 1)
986. High RNase concentration interfering with PCR? - (reply: 8)
987. SNP and SNV - (reply: 1)
988. failure of PCR from yeast genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
989. troubles in DNA digestion - (reply: 7)
990. Best plasmid for GFP + Mammalian Selection - (reply: 1)