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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-Expression-and-Purification
631. Recombinant protein or peptide? - (reply: 1)
632. Purifying nuclear fraction from skeletal muscle homogenate - (reply: 1)
633. pqe30 - (reply: 1)
634. truncation of protein expression - (reply: 1)
635. GST fusion protein purification - (reply: 1)
636. unstable protein expression - (reply: 1)
637. B-per GST fusion protein purification kit - (reply: 2)
638. Protein precipitates out so fast - (reply: 5)
639. Protein sticks to Ni beads - Protein doesn't elute from the column/batch etc (reply: 2)
640. Lysis Buffer for Total Protein Assay - (reply: 1)
641. primer design for pBAD topo expression kit - (reply: 2)
642. expression in minimal media - (reply: 14)
643. pQE vector protein expression - (reply: 3)
644. A story of Urea, dialysis and GST affinity purification... hopefully! - (reply: 1)
645. Which buffer to use? - (reply: 3)
646. Elimination of the polyethylenimine - (reply: 9)
647. subcellular fractionation problem - (reply: 1)
648. resuspend membrane pellet - (reply: 2)
649. problems with detecting protein expression - protein expression in cell (reply: 4)
650. Who know anything about dialysis on protein extractions ? - (reply: 7)
651. Protein doesn't bind any column except Ni - (reply: 10)
652. Kozak consensus sequence for insect expression - (reply: 1)
653. Sticky Insect cell lysate blocked Ni_NTA column - (reply: 2)
654. purification of a basic protein - problem in elution (reply: 4)
655. stabilization of purified protein solutions - (reply: 2)
656. Commercially available bacterial expression system with chaperone coexpression - (reply: 1)
657. Showed a bigger and broad smear of protein!! - (reply: 4)
658. Ptn expressed once... and never again!!! - (reply: 1)
659. collagen precipitation - (reply: 2)
660. SWAT for protein expression - problems with Poly Ala/GC Rich (reply: 1)

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