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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-Expression-and-Purification
31. Use of urea in solubilizing protein and its aftermath - (reply: 5)
32. GST fusion protein - two dominant bands - (reply: 7)
33. Nonspecific proteins eluting with HIS-tagged peptide - (reply: 4)
34. Increasing protein solubility in general - (reply: 3)
35. Help with FPLC AIEX/CIEX: Keeping E. coli Protein Separated/Buffer Selection - (reply: 7)
36. Best protocol to solubilize bacterial fusion proteins? - (reply: 5)
37. Doubt on HisTag protein purification miniprep - (reply: 3)
38. "Leaky" stepwise elution of active protein from Ion-Exchange columns - (reply: 2)
39. troubleshooting is needed for heme protein Ni-NTA purification - (reply: 2)
40. after gelfiltration need to concentrate peptide mix - (reply: 4)
41. Quick and simple protocol for protein purification and extraction, thoughts? - (reply: 2)
42. Protein that used to express really well stopped expressing. - (reply: 2)
43. Determining Cofactor for Inactive Enzyme - (reply: 6)
44. study protein expression in bacteria - (reply: 1)
45. total protein measurement from insect body - (reply: 1)
46. Does over-expression protein under T7 promoter in Top10 work? - (reply: 1)
47. Large-scale cell growth and protein expression - (reply: 1)
48. Reduce protein concentration without reduced enzyme activity - (reply: 3)
49. consistent expression of overlarge proteins - (reply: 1)
50. Cytoplasmic/nuclear fractionation with NP-40 then RIPA buffer combination? - (reply: 2)
51. Is AS pp + HIC phisically possible for all proteins? - (reply: 2)
52. storage conditions for purified protein - (reply: 2)
53. Need to include protease inhibitor in IP wash buffer? - (reply: 1)
54. Heat shock vs eletroporation - (reply: 6)
55. lysate protein concentration - (reply: 1)
56. Cloned gene in pET system not being expressed - (reply: 10)
57. recombinant protein expression- surface or internal? - (reply: 3)
58. His-tag protein not binding to resin - (reply: 9)
59. Protein localisation - IHC - (reply: 1)
60. Collagen Tipe I filtration - (reply: 1)

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