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2281. Inhibitor for kinesin - commercially available inhibitor (reply: 1)
2282. Collagen gels not setting!! - (reply: 2)
2283. pH change During Filtration - pH change During Filtration (reply: 1)
2284. Eletrophoresis - Ab caspasis 3 staining (reply: 1)
2285. Alginic acid - How to get it into solution? (reply: 4)
2286. Electrophoresis - negative bands - (reply: 1)
2287. The function of EDTA for harvest cells - (reply: 2)
2288. Staining colonies in soft agar - how?? need fixation?? (reply: 1)
2289. stable transfection: need of picking single colonies - (reply: 1)
2290. about the unit of L-asparaginase - (reply: 1)
2291. signal transduction - inconsistency on growth factor signaling (reply: 1)
2292. co-culture of two adherent cells - (reply: 4)
2293. Biocompatibility suggestions - (reply: 13)
2294. Cos 1 Cells - who supples cos 1 cells (reply: 2)
2295. breast cancer cell primary culture - (reply: 2)
2296. hep-2 & Hep-G2 cell line - difference between hep-2 & Hep-G2 cell line (reply: 22)
2297. tracking 150kDa protein through tissue - molecule needed for tracking (reply: 1)
2298. primary keratinocytes - HeKn - problem with culture (reply: 2)
2299. Cell contamination, needs the help urgently - How to remove? (reply: 2)
2300. Murine lymphoma media recommendations? - (reply: 1)
2301. EDTA only for cell dissociation - (reply: 7)
2302. Bringing tumor line from animal back to cell culture - (reply: 2)
2303. invisible GFP - (reply: 2)
2304. Sterilizing a Cell Culture Room - We had a flood + mold, where do I start? (reply: 1)
2305. the cancer cell growth - Problem with the cancer cell growth (reply: 3)
2306. problem with stable clones - (reply: 3)
2307. Please answer a layman's questions - Very basiscs of Cell and Genetics (reply: 3)
2308. Staining colonies in soft agar - (reply: 1)
2309. Cytokines and growth factors - (reply: 4)
2310. cancer cell culture - protocols on cancer cell culture (reply: 8)