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1201. CONCENTRATION OF DMSO IS TOO HIGH - what can I do? (reply: 4)
1202. Cell adhesion assay - (reply: 2)
1203. Protocol for Karyotyping of Toad chromosomes Needed! - (reply: 1)
1204. Tetracycline in cell culture media - (reply: 5)
1205. what is the best way to solubilize fibronectin? - (reply: 1)
1206. MDA-MB-231 antibiotic - (reply: 2)
1207. solvent for formazan crystals in MTT assay - (reply: 7)
1208. Treatment of cancer cell - (reply: 2)
1209. ZVAD.fmk-how does it work - (reply: 1)
1210. Need information on fusioncloning - Need to know about it (reply: 1)
1211. Loss of cell viability in primary culture - (reply: 4)
1212. Please recommend a cell line that express high level of ER alpha or beta - (reply: 3)
1213. What s the maximum allowable limit of DMSO as a solvent in cell culture - (reply: 8)
1214. Transwell permeable membranes - Which pore-size for motility tests? (reply: 2)
1215. Primary Hippocampal cell culture-DEAD! - (reply: 3)
1216. darker bands in WB - (reply: 6)
1217. Culturing Hep G2 Cells - (reply: 4)
1218. How long can cells survive at 4 degree - (reply: 2)
1219. what is the inhibition mechanism of PLC by U73122? - (reply: 1)
1220. looking for radiochemicals - (reply: 5)
1221. [Help] frustrated! the lentivirus titer is very low----- - (reply: 1)
1222. monitor cell growth - (reply: 1)
1223. New stock of AD-293 cells - (reply: 1)
1224. HEK 293 Stables - (reply: 6)
1225. The role of CO2 in maintaining pH - (reply: 1)
1226. Advantages of MTS assay over MTT assay - (reply: 3)
1227. Fungi contamination - (reply: 4)
1228. where to buy rat M-CSF? - (reply: 4)
1229. vector for expression of tag on cell surface - (reply: 7)
1230. Fibroblats contamination in primary cell cultures - Fibroblats contamination in primary cell cultures (reply: 6)