Alginic acid - How to get it into solution? (Jan/12/2005 )
Does anyone have a protocol for solubilizing alginic acid sodium salt? I have made a 2% solution in ultra-pure water but had to heat it to 70C to get it into solution. I would like to use it to make a matrix for cultured cells so am also interested in how to sterilize it. Thanks.
Although my reply might be abit late to be of any help to you, i would still like to share my protocol.
normally, i would prepare a 1.5% soldium alginate solution. you can add the powder to ultrapure water and use a magnetic stirrer to stir it until all powder dissolved. i left it to stir overnight though. after which, just autoclave the solution. that will be fine.
Thanks for your suggestion. I stirred and heated the solution (2%) for ~3 hours to get it into solution. I didn't
sterilize it as I wasn't sure how it would react to autoclaving. I'll try it though. I'm using this as a cell matrix for implantation
into rats; what are you using it for? Thanks again.
Hello Chris,
Basically i only used sodium alginate solution for seeding of scaffolds. First i resuspend cells in 1.5% steriled alginate solution. This is followed by seeding the cell-alginate mixture onto the scaffolds (that have been soaked in steriled calcium chloride solution for ~ 1min). When the calcium chloride comes into contact with alginate, they coagulate to form a gel-like substance, which in turn act as a matrix to attach the cells to the scaffolds.
In my case i need the alginate solution to be steriled and till now the protocol works fine for me. Hope it works well for you too!
GooD LucK!
FYI, according to Pronova out of Norway, where we get our alginate, heating the alginate in solution or in powder will decrease the polymer chain length. If you are making gels or anything that requires strength, this could be a problem. Many protocols call for sterilization by filtration.