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1081. Alamar blue protocol - (reply: 2)
1082. thawing in -20C for overnight - is this harmful (reply: 6)
1083. ROS and NO detection using fluoresceins - (reply: 1)
1084. More questions about culturing human fibroblasts (ARGH!) - (reply: 1)
1085. transfecting primary cells - (reply: 1)
1086. fiborblast contamination in primary culture - (reply: 7)
1087. banana culture - (reply: 1)
1088. precipitate formation - transfection with calcium phosphate precipitaion (reply: 2)
1089. anyone using amphotericin B. - kindly tell me in which solvent it get dissolve. (reply: 3)
1090. MTT assay - proliferation, viability or what? (reply: 3)
1091. why EGFP become weak in C2C12? - (reply: 3)
1092. Culture of normal human mammary epithelial cells - (reply: 2)
1093. Lactate Assay - (reply: 2)
1094. cell culture - (reply: 2)
1095. Does TPA induce cell proliferation/growth? - HT1080 cells (reply: 3)
1096. Any experience with green to red fluorescence RET (FRET)? - (reply: 1)
1097. Starving cells for stimulation - (reply: 2)
1098. IC50 in MTT assay - please suggest me something (reply: 2)
1099. protocol on M cell model - (reply: 3)
1100. Coating 24 well plates - (reply: 4)
1101. Measuring CO2 levels in incubator - (reply: 2)
1102. how can I detach infected vero cells from 96 well plate without lose sample? - (reply: 2)
1103. Increasing ROS leves - (reply: 3)
1104. Subunit definition of a complex - (reply: 2)
1105. Kanamycin/Neomycin resistance - (reply: 3)
1106. Variable result of MTT assay - (reply: 13)
1107. cytotoxic or what? - (reply: 4)
1108. Cytotoxicity assay in THP-1 - In the refernce to infection (reply: 2)
1109. beta actin in bacteria - (reply: 1)
1110. Thp-1 cell culture problems - (reply: 5)