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Labeling Related Discussions
  1. superscript indirect cDNA labeling system - superscriptIII, cDNA purification, microarray, free amines (reply: 3)
  2. Labelling of probe - (reply: 2)
  3. isotope labeling of proteins - (reply: 4)
  4. FITC Labelling - (reply: 1)
  5. Urgent! Labelling Beads - Need to order but can't find (reply: 2)
  6. Random-primed DNA labelling - (reply: 1)
  7. Replication in yeast - BrdU labelling ?!? (Deoxy)Uridine incorporation?! (reply: 1)
  8. How to purify biotin labled DNA from mix - (reply: 2)
  9. collagen labelling - (reply: 1)
  10. annealing complementary oligos prior to biotin labeling - (reply: 1)
  11. Stickers for labeling tubes in -80C freezer - (reply: 4)
  12. Labelling ChIP samples - ARG! Hope someone can help! (reply: 1)
  13. method for stripping dig labled probe from nitrocellulose membran after a dot bl - (reply: 1)
  14. antibody gold labeling - (reply: 3)
  15. DIG pcr labeling and northern blot - (reply: 2)
  16. Labelling DNA for ChIP-ChIP - A couple of questions... (reply: 6)
  17. labeling miRNA - (reply: 9)
  18. FITC labelled FITC - (reply: 1)
  19. Genomic DNA fragment labeling by random priming - (reply: 1)
  20. secondary antibody labeling with NHS ester functionalized help? - (reply: 1)
  21. emsa oligo annealing - biotin labelled oligos (reply: 5)
  22. labelling primary antibody with fluorescent tag - (reply: 1)
  23. Ratio of labelled vs. unlabelled species in "uptake assay" - Whether to use a fixed amount or a fixed concentration of label (reply: 1)
  24. Ratio of labelled vs. unlabelled species in "uptake assay" - What is proper: Using a fixed amount or a fixed concentration of label (reply: 1)
  25. Question about FCM dual labeling experimental design - (reply: 1)
  26. miRNA 3' end labeling - (reply: 4)
  27. antibody labelling for immunochromatographic assay - (reply: 4)
  28. C14 labelled galactose - which carbon to label? (reply: 1)
  29. direct vs. indirect labeling in microarray exp. - (reply: 1)
  30. Problems with DIG DNA labeling! help! - Membrane was completely stained purple with no bands (reply: 12)
  31. Problems with Southern Blot - Probe labeling - (reply: 1)
  32. Labeling of bacteria with fluorescent probe - In search of protocol!!! (reply: 1)
  33. Gel Shifts: DIG labelling - (reply: 1)
  34. BrdU labeling in primary culture - (reply: 1)
  35. Efficiency of DIG Labeling kit (Roche) - (reply: 1)
  36. Labeling of miRNA probes - (reply: 2)
  37. mistake in cDNA labelling - (reply: 1)
  38. Trouble staining for Fluorescent Microscopy - unspecific labeling (reply: 2)
  39. hrp labeling of antibodies - (reply: 3)
  40. Peptide labeling - (reply: 1)
  41. PDGFR labelling - (reply: 2)
  42. Are miRNAs phosphorylated at the 3' end? - Labelling of miRNAs in a T4 RNA ligase reaction (reply: 3)
  43. Microarray labeling:Direct vs Indirect - (reply: 1)
  44. DNA Digoxigenine labeling kit - (reply: 2)
  45. GFP labelled protein purification - (reply: 1)
  46. DNA gel picture labeling - too many samples to label by hand - (reply: 2)
  47. labeling of cytokine releasing cells - flow cytometry (reply: 7)
  48. what is the function of the morpholinopropanesulfonic acid? - cell labeling (reply: 4)
  49. How much RNA is needed for labelling and how much labelled cDNA is needed for hy - (reply: 4)
  50. Probe labelling foe gel shifts - (reply: 2)
  51. PCR, labelled vs unlabelled primers - (reply: 4)
  52. Northern Blots - can you reuse the buffers and membrane - Even if its dig labelled (reply: 5)
  53. size of probes for northern blot and other questions - end labelling of 20 mer oligonucleotides (reply: 3)
  54. probe preparation: Dig labeling - (reply: 1)
  55. RNA labelling for Microarrays - (reply: 5)
  56. Digoxigenin labeling ans substrate - (reply: 2)
  57. Labeling problems - CFSE labeling (reply: 2)
  58. Trouble with S35 labeling of exogenously expressed proteins - (reply: 1)
  59. Low yield at His tagged-peptide production in labeling media - (reply: 1)
  60. southern hybridizaion with 5' end labelled primer - (reply: 1)
  61. Primary cell culture: labelling in vivo - How to label a protein for Fluorescence Microscopy? (reply: 2)
  62. Primary cell culture: labelling in vivo - How to label a protein for Fluorescence Microscopy (reply: 3)
  63. How to measure labelled protein concentration? - (reply: 1)
  64. Labelling oligo with biotin during synthesis for EMSA - (reply: 2)
  65. Annealing and labeling oligo probe for gel-shift assay - (reply: 1)
  66. Non-radioactive labelling for EMSA? - (reply: 4)
  67. Protocol for labelling Ab with FITC - (reply: 4)
  68. Direct vs Indirect Leabeling - Signal intensity with AminoAllyl Labeling? (reply: 3)
  69. Measuring concentration of dye labelled nuclein acids - (reply: 4)
  70. Troubles with labeling epithelial cells with CFDA-SE - Troubles with labeling epithelial cells with CFDA- (reply: 1)
  71. non-radioactive probel labeling options for library screening - (reply: 1)
  72. Aminoallyl Labeling - Efficiency of labeling (reply: 1)
  73. Microarray dye balance - Slide preparation, probe labeling, hybridization (reply: 7)
  74. brdU double labelling - (reply: 1)
  75. quenching a labeling dye - (reply: 3)
  76. Colocalization - Fluorescence Histological Double Labeling (reply: 1)
  77. [35s] Met labeling protein protocol ! - (reply: 1)
  78. 5'-end labeling of oligonucleotides - asking for help (reply: 4)
  79. CFSE labeling of human PBMC - proliferation assay (reply: 2)
  80. Labeling cells with AT32P - cell biology (reply: 1)
  81. protein fluorescent labeling - (reply: 1)
  82. (Fab)2 labelling - (reply: 1)
  83. labeling antibody withfluorescein - (reply: 1)
  84. CD markers and BrdU/PI labeling - (reply: 1)
  85. DNA probe labeling -- whatworks? - (reply: 4)
  86. probe labeling - (reply: 2)
  87. labeling on southern, northern and western blot - (reply: 1)
  88. Psoralen biotin labelling - (reply: 1)
  89. DIG  DNA probe labelling kit - (reply: 2)
  90. non-radioactive successes out there? - non-radioactive RNA labelling that works please (reply: 1)
  91. Alkphos Direct labeling chemiflourescent - detection with ECF (reply: 1)
  92. Probe labelling - (reply: 1)
  93. band shift assay dig labelledDNA - (reply: 1)
  94. Probe labeling - (reply: 2)