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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-and-Proteomics
1021. Protein stability in RIPA buffer at room temp - (reply: 3)
1022. Protein synthesis inhibition - (reply: 4)
1023. His tag protein purification - (reply: 3)
1024. protein extraction from primary cells - (reply: 1)
1025. Most strange sds page gel ever!!!!! - (reply: 5)
1026. Minimal amounts of whole cell extracts for Co-IP - (reply: 1)
1027. EDTA as denaturating agent ?? - for proteins.. (reply: 5)
1028. GST pull down assay - (reply: 3)
1029. Best yeast expression system - (reply: 1)
1030. Help_Role of BSA for the protein reconstitution - (reply: 5)
1031. BCA Protein Assay Problems - (reply: 1)
1032. protein degardation during gel filteration - (reply: 2)
1033. lysate fractionation techniques - (reply: 1)
1034. Co-IP using magnetic beads, non-specific binding - (reply: 4)
1035. Storage of 8M Urea buffer? - I made it two weeks ago? (reply: 3)
1036. Protein solubility improvements? - any methods? (reply: 5)
1037. SDS-DNA-PAGE - How to? (reply: 3)
1038. antibody production..does it matter if the protein is denatured or not? - my fragments are insoluble :( (reply: 3)
1039. Protein Smear in SDS-PAGE after concentrated? - (reply: 1)
1040. western blotting loading control - (reply: 5)
1041. How to do Co-IP of Triton x-100 insoluble proteins (e.g. intermediate filament p - (reply: 1)
1042. Immunolotting of actin protein coming at higher MW - (reply: 1)
1043. Isolation of secreted proteins from culture media - (reply: 2)
1044. smear on gel after tca precipitation - (reply: 3)
1045. Protein loading marker for glycoproteins - (reply: 2)
1046. distinguish protein expression from high homology - (reply: 1)
1047. (in vitro binding assay w/ IP)- a-Mouse Ab seems to recognize rabbit a-GFP Ab or - (reply: 2)
1048. How to store membrane with primary antibody? - (reply: 5)
1049. Protein Removal from cell lysate - leaving RNA intact! (reply: 1)
1050. Weird BSA standard curve for Bradford assay - (reply: 9)