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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-and-Proteomics
361. 'Standard salt buffer' for protein storage/biophysical techniques - (reply: 1)
362. Novel PTM site detection - (reply: 1)
363. Potassium phosphate buffer - (reply: 3)
364. Protein Isolation from mouse brain: problems - (reply: 2)
365. Expression level analysis at mRNA vs protein level - (reply: 6)
366. 【help】What could happen to this SDS-PAGE ? - (reply: 1)
367. Insoluble recombinant protein is expressed also with out IPTG - (reply: 4)
368. Far western blotting - (reply: 5)
369. citrate buffer pH 8 - (reply: 1)
370. What's the difference between megnatic beads and agarose beads to IP His-tag - (reply: 3)
371. Problem with removing fusion protein. MALDI TOF. Tricine SDS PAGE. - (reply: 1)
372. Problem with removing fusion protein. MALDI TOF. Tricine SDS PAGE. - (reply: 1)
373. getting rid of non specific bands in IP experiments - (reply: 7)
374. loading control antibodies - (reply: 1)
375. protein solubilization and quantitation after extraction using Trizol - (reply: 2)
376. detection of phosphorylation from cell pellet - (reply: 2)
377. how to make a recombinant enzyme refolded - (reply: 2)
378. Quantification of LDL Oxidation - (reply: 1)
379. Concentrating protein of a particular size - (reply: 1)
380. Removing a binding site - (reply: 5)
381. GFP 96-well black plates; plastic lid, sealer or paraffin oil to cover? - (reply: 3)
382. 96 well protein expression - (reply: 1)
383. IEF migration to middle of gel, no separation - (reply: 2)
384. P450 Activity Assay - (reply: 1)
385. Help with iTRAQ-SCX protocol - (reply: 2)
386. 2-D electrophoresis of sperm membrane extracts - (reply: 9)
387. Problem: peptide (MW 2.3KDa) can't dialyze out - (reply: 5)
388. Anti-his antibodies - Noob to protein work - (reply: 10)
389. predict possible protein protein interaction - (reply: 1)
390. Western Blotting - (reply: 10)