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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-and-Proteomics
901. Incomplete denaturing with 8M urea? - (reply: 3)
902. Protein quantification from paraformaldehyde-fixed cells - (reply: 2)
903. Out of expected protein size in SDS-PAGE - (reply: 10)
904. Bradford quantitatn problem - precipitation - protein lysate precipitate when added to assay reagent (reply: 1)
905. Sugar solution had changed colour - strange... (reply: 8)
906. storing WB blots in PBS-tween - (reply: 7)
907. simple pipetting problem - (reply: 1)
908. Storage of overexpressed protein - (reply: 4)
909. HELP_Bradford and protein problems - Different protein concentrations (reply: 1)
910. precipitation of proteins from stained cells - Co-IP failure (reply: 6)
911. Recycling coomassie blue - (reply: 5)
912. Bromophenol blue vs. "Coomassie G250" - Is there a difference in their running location? (reply: 2)
913. problem in the GST fusion protein purification - (reply: 4)
914. PDI western blot - can't reduce the disulfide bonds (reply: 5)
915. how to deal with protein precipitates during dialysis - (reply: 1)
916. iTRAQ cost compared to a DIGE approach - (reply: 1)
917. ideas for Fluorescent tagging of 7Kda bacterial protein. - (reply: 1)
918. Concentrating Protein - 8M Urea, Protein solution, concentrating (reply: 8)
919. Qubit Protein Quantitation Issues - Qubit protein quantitation (reply: 2)
920. Protein extraction from plant leaves, bioactivity - (reply: 1)
921. mTOR - (reply: 4)
922. BN-PAGE - (reply: 2)
923. Co-immunoprecipitation - PI3K (reply: 10)
924. LC-MS protocol - (reply: 7)
925. SDS PAGE: sample buffer 2-ME or DTT?? - (reply: 1)
926. SDS PAGE:no of lanes senstivity?? - (reply: 1)
927. Protein Disappeareance - (reply: 1)
928. Storing Purified Proteins - Seeking a Preservative (reply: 6)
929. Bradford assay+high urea - (reply: 3)
930. Extract collagen from rat tail (in lab) - (reply: 1)