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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-and-Proteomics
991. insoluble protein fraction - (reply: 1)
992. help! non-specific background in Co-IP - (reply: 5)
993. Hyaluronic Acid Binding Protein 1 (HABP1) - I need some insight to prevent binding of this molecule to itself (reply: 2)
994. Newbie question: Stability of protein lystates - Freeze/thaw cycles affect phosphate groups? (reply: 2)
995. Why most commercial protease inhibitor cocktails do not contain EDTA? - (reply: 7)
996. Human collagen type I molecular weight - (reply: 3)
997. extracting protein from trizol - (reply: 2)
998. stacking gel - Tris pH 8.8 (reply: 4)
999. Immunoprecipitation - Bands in negative control - (reply: 2)
1000. nonspecific immunoprecipitation control - (reply: 2)
1001. help!! immunoprecipitation - (reply: 5)
1002. isolation of membrane associated proteins - (reply: 2)
1003. RNA-IP - (reply: 3)
1004. protein extraction - from cell line in T25 flask (reply: 5)
1005. Protein labeling calculation - (reply: 4)
1006. Rabbit IgG purification - Rabbit IgG purification (reply: 5)
1007. Determining a protein's antigenic property - (reply: 4)
1008. WB reference - Good reference for WB (reply: 6)
1009. How to check the translation? - His-tagged protein expression (reply: 8)
1010. Gel shift (emsa) with 35S label? - (reply: 5)
1011. western blot problem: cell culture VS mouse tissue - (reply: 4)
1012. Protein structure discovery - (reply: 1)
1013. TCA precipitation_why protein pellet disapears after centrifugation? - (reply: 2)
1014. Extraction of protein from sample buffer (+DTT) - (reply: 1)
1015. 2X sample buffer vs. 6X - (reply: 5)
1016. Protein solubilisation for iTRAQ protocol/general protein solubilisation - (reply: 2)
1017. PVDF blot storage - (reply: 3)
1018. Too bright blue for bradford assay - (reply: 3)
1019. 2D electrophoresis - beta-lactoglobulin (reply: 1)
1020. precipitation during dialysis - (reply: 5)