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Most strange sds page gel ever!!!!! - (Jul/07/2009 )

Please help I am suddenly getting gels like the attached pic. I have tried making new running buffers, tris, bis acrlyamide, all to avail. I have run at really low voltage, really high all no diff.
Attached Image


Looking at your gel chamber, ther seems to be not enough buffer in the middle between the plates. Fill it up to the to, if your chamber is leaky then keep filling it up during the run.



stardust on Jul 7 2009, 02:08 AM said:

Looking at your gel chamber, ther seems to be not enough buffer in the middle between the plates. Fill it up to the to, if your chamber is leaky then keep filling it up during the run.


I dont think that is the problem.
i took out the gel to take a closer look, then put it back to take the pic, thats why its emptier. I always fill the tank to the brim


were your samples prestained (like your standards)? or did you just use too much bromphenol blue?

how does the gel look after staining?

sometimes, funny looking fronts are caused by old sds. you can try a fresh lot of sds.


mdfenko on Jul 7 2009, 10:55 AM said:

were your samples prestained (like your standards)? or did you just use too much bromphenol blue?

how does the gel look after staining?

sometimes, funny looking fronts are caused by old sds. you can try a fresh lot of sds.

the gel looks wonky after staining. the bands are not straight. I am thinking that it might be my temed being degraded --> therefore unevern polymerisation. trying with new temed.
I will try with new sds as well


MaggieRoara on Jul 7 2009, 07:34 PM said:

mdfenko on Jul 7 2009, 10:55 AM said:

were your samples prestained (like your standards)? or did you just use too much bromphenol blue?

how does the gel look after staining?

sometimes, funny looking fronts are caused by old sds. you can try a fresh lot of sds.

the gel looks wonky after staining. the bands are not straight. I am thinking that it might be my temed being degraded --> therefore unevern polymerisation. trying with new temed.
I will try with new sds as well

It was the sds... everything was fine after i used new sds...
thanks pple!
