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Mutagenesis Related Discussions
  1. heterozygous missense mutation - (reply: 2)
  2. mutant identify - help (reply: 2)
  3. Site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 12)
  4. mutational studies - (reply: 4)
  5. Pioneers of Mutagenesis to Probe Protein Structure and Function - (reply: 1)
  6. Mutagenesis - To amplify fragments for mutagenesis (reply: 1)
  7. No mutation with mutagenesis kit - (reply: 1)
  8. Is Crossover a form of mutation? - Crossover Mutation (reply: 1)
  9. targeted random mutagenesis gave majorly CCCs - (reply: 1)
  10. How to identify whether a mutation in intron is binding site? - (reply: 1)
  11. Problems with site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 2)
  12. get of ura3 mutant of a yeast - (reply: 1)
  13. kras mutation. best method for detection - (reply: 4)
  14. will site directed mutagenesis work for 8kb construct? - (reply: 4)
  15. troubleshooting with site directed mutagenesis - (reply: 2)
  16. Point Mutation, Protein Folding, Base Pairing - (reply: 3)
  17. No mRNA or protein made by my mutant gene - (reply: 4)
  18. Knock -in & mutation experiments - Knock -in & mutation experiments (reply: 2)
  19. High concentration of antibiotics in amplification of plasmids - concerns about mutation of inserts in plasmid (reply: 1)
  20. Single nucleotide polymorphism vs single nucleotide mutation - (reply: 4)
  21. Dh5alpha for site directed mutagenesis - (reply: 3)
  22. high melting temperature in site directed mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
  23. problem with site mutation - (reply: 5)
  24. How to construct a Double mutant - (reply: 7)
  25. Dominant Negative Mutant - (reply: 3)
  26. Problems with site directed mutagenesis - (reply: 3)
  27. QuickChange II Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit Stratagene - (reply: 7)
  28. point mutation - (reply: 8)
  29. How to create a mutant DNA having point mutations sequence? - (reply: 1)
  30. Deletion mutant protein prediction - (reply: 3)
  31. Problems after site directed mutagenesis - (reply: 5)
  32. site mutation problem - (reply: 2)
  33. QuickChnage Mutagenesis problem - no mutation, please help!!!!!!!! (reply: 14)
  34. Can you get two proteins made from a heterozygous gene mutation? - (reply: 3)
  35. Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit - (reply: 1)
  36. primer Tm for PCR mutagenesis - (reply: 1)
  37. Zebrafish Mutant - (reply: 2)
  38. Polymerase for Quikchange mutagenesis - (reply: 3)
  39. Quikchange mutagenesis primer and PCR design - (reply: 3)
  40. Recommendations for a good site-directed mutagenesis kit - (reply: 3)
  41. Mutagenesis PCR transforming into BL21(DE3) - (reply: 2)
  42. Mutagenesis and primer purity? - (reply: 4)
  43. site directed mutagenesis using synthesized oligos - (reply: 1)
  44. mutagenesis of 6 bases - what is the best option? (reply: 1)
  45. Anyone that had introduced a nt with QuikChange mutagenesis kit? - (reply: 3)
  46. site directed mutagenesis problem - Getting no colonies (reply: 5)
  47. What do you think is the best mutagenesis strategy if you want to mutate several - (reply: 4)
  48. Site-directed mutagenesis problem - Mutations under oligo (reply: 2)
  49. QuikChange™ Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit - (reply: 4)
  50. random mutation during mutagenesis - will all colonies on LB plate have the same mutation? (reply: 3)
  51. primer design for site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 3)
  52. Mutation Screening - DNA Sequences... - (reply: 3)
  53. problems with mutant PCR - problems with mutant PCR (reply: 1)
  54. mutation by gamma ray - why gamma ray? (reply: 3)
  55. mutation on ficus deltoidea - any experience to share? (reply: 3)
  56. How to quantify wild-type and mutant protein? - (reply: 4)
  57. How do I correct a frameshift mutation? - (reply: 2)
  58. mutation and glycerol stock - (reply: 10)
  59. anybody using GalK cassette for BAC mutation? - (reply: 5)
  60. mutant PCR - (reply: 4)
  61. Induce mutation in my gene - (reply: 5)
  62. Mutation in plasmid - (reply: 2)
  63. cryptic mutation - (reply: 4)
  64. pcr mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
  65. Site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 6)
  66. mutation in a gene that is not expressing a protein - (reply: 4)
  67. Why are CpG sites more prone to mutation? - (reply: 4)
  68. Site directed mutagenesis on Human GST T1-1 - Any advice for an SDM n00b? (reply: 1)
  69. Trouble sequencing DNA from mutagenesis reaction - (reply: 1)
  70. mutant protein expression & purification problem in E.coli - Protein with five residues mutated to Alanine's (reply: 6)
  71. Point Mutation in DNA - Quik change mutagenesis (reply: 1)
  72. sitedirected mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
  73. Guessing null mutation - (reply: 6)
  74. Codons particularly vunerable to mutation? - (reply: 3)
  75. Site Directed Mutagenesis Reaction! - (reply: 1)
  76. Invitrogen GeneTailor Site-Directed Mutagenesis Reaction--HELP! - (reply: 1)
  77. Quickchange site directed mutagenesis/PCR problem - Transformation isn't working :( (reply: 8)
  78. how would you detect a point mutation in the genome? PCR? - (reply: 3)
  79. biological mutagenesis - (reply: 2)
  80. Promega :Mutagenesis Systems - (reply: 5)
  81. Low mutation efficiency - (reply: 7)
  82. site-directed mutagenesis of lysine - (reply: 2)
  83. Generating homologous mutant stem cells - any stricky point? (reply: 2)
  84. Site-Directed Mutagenesis (megaprimer) of internal sequence - (reply: 5)
  85. K to R mutation for kinase activity change - (reply: 1)
  86. southern conflicts with PCR in knock-in mouse screening - why southern positives are not the mutant we want (reply: 5)
  87. Mutation - (reply: 7)
  88. TA cloning and mutation - (reply: 3)
  89. Pfx polymerase for site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 2)
  90. mutagenesis in Enterococcus spp - (reply: 2)
  91. Chances of Mutation - (reply: 3)
  92. Mutagenesis not working - no colonies (reply: 15)
  93. about mutant plasmid construction - (reply: 3)
  94. How can I make a point mutation - (reply: 4)
  95. Site Directed Mutagenesis within CpG rich promoter - (reply: 4)
  96. Problem in Patch PCR for Site-Directed Mutagenesis - (reply: 5)
  97. Mutagenesis Help (plasmid isolation & sequencing stages) - (reply: 2)
  98. mutation during transformation? - (reply: 3)
  99. Strange Maxi-Prep problem - low yields with QuickChange mutagenesis competent E. Coli (reply: 1)
  100. HA tag vs His(6) tag , with mutagenesis - (reply: 6)
  101. good program to model 3D changes to protein from mutation - (reply: 1)
  102. site directed mutagenesis stratagene philosophy - PCR prob (reply: 5)
  103. Mutagenesis using 4 sets of primer - (reply: 6)
  104. Site-directed Mutagenesis - (reply: 3)
  105. Site-directed Mutagenesis - (reply: 22)
  106. problems with expression of mutant protein - (reply: 1)
  107. Mutation Vs polymorphism - Mutation Vs Polymorphism (reply: 5)
  108. Mutation Vs polymorphism - Mutation Vs polymorphism (reply: 7)
  109. Dominant negative mutation: Tyr is usually mutate to ? - Site directed mutation (reply: 1)
  110. Protein and Proteomics - Point mutation and protein stability (reply: 2)
  111. virus mutation rate monitor - (reply: 1)
  112. overall strucure change - amino acid mutation (reply: 1)
  113. primers design for mutagenesis of two nearby sites - mutations (reply: 2)
  114. Join GFP to my insert without mutagenesis - (reply: 8)
  115. Mutagenesis to make 45bp deletion - (reply: 1)
  116. How to get a mutant in Streptococcus aglactiae - (reply: 3)
  117. can you introduce mutation directly into the cells? - other than just transfecting it with a vector... (reply: 1)
  118. isolation of DNA from a plasmid for site-directed mutagenesis? - do researchers actually do this? (reply: 6)
  119. QuickChange mutagenesis: how to do it without kit? - What dNTP concentration should I use? (reply: 1)
  120. Side directed mutagenesis with 17kb plasmid - (reply: 19)
  121. How many mismatches in point mutation primers? - (reply: 3)
  122. how to mutant the gene on the genomic DNA? - (reply: 9)
  123. Site directed mutagenesis GFP to RFP - (reply: 4)
  124. Can I make four substitutions (mutagenesis) using PCR at a time? - help me out, pls :) (reply: 7)
  125. How to make a point mutation in a wild type plasmid. - (reply: 2)
  126. Testing for binding of mutant proteins to cell surface receptors - (reply: 3)
  127. Proof Reading Taq Polymerase - How effective can it be in mutation study (reply: 2)
  128. Directional cloning and clone mutations - each clone has a different mutation! (reply: 1)
  129. Site directed mutagenesis - his tag - insertional mutations (reply: 6)
  130. site directed mutagenesis - point mutagenesis of target gene (reply: 3)
  131. How does sodium thiosulphate affect yeast?? - Yeast mutagenesis (reply: 1)
  132. PCR MUTAGENESIS PROBLEM - SiteDirected Mutagenesis - Problem (reply: 3)
  133. site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 10)
  134. Difference between SNP and point mutation - (reply: 12)
  135. site directed mutagenesis - (reply: 5)
  136. Site Directed Mutagenesis Problem - (reply: 5)
  137. site directed mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
  138. Rate of spontaneous mutation in yeast - Yeast (reply: 2)
  139. Transposon mutagenesis of Pseudomonas with Epicentre kit - Need a method for identifying the disrupted gene (reply: 1)
  140. Plasmid gene mutation - (reply: 1)
  141. sucide plasmid directed mutagenesis - sucide plasmid directed mutagenesis in pseudomonas (reply: 1)
  142. a question about mutagenesis - (reply: 5)
  143. Calculation of Mutation Rate - Calculation of Mutation Rate (reply: 2)
  144. mutation in cancer cell line - (reply: 1)
  145. Chemical mutagenesis of plasmids - Why only hydroxylamine ? (reply: 3)
  146. directed mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
  147. pcr mutagenesis - (reply: 3)
  148. PCR mutagenesis - (reply: 1)
  149. Mutagenesis - How to use quick change method - (reply: 1)
  150. Mutagenesis - (reply: 1)
  151. Mutational Event, Wild type enzyme Sequence - (reply: 2)
  152. Site-directed Mutagenesis using Dut-Ung system - Troubleshooting a mutagenesis (reply: 1)
  153. mutagenesis - (reply: 1)