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Anyone that had introduced a nt with QuikChange mutagenesis kit? - (Oct/04/2007 )

In the manual it is recommended an other kit for insertions and deletions.
Have anyone tried to use the QuikChange kit for insertions anyway?

I have the Multi QuikChange kit.

It feels that it would work in the same way...
I had a primer-design-accident once and easily inserted a nt in this way.




I have read about using the one-site mutagenesis kit from stratagene for insertions and deletions but I have not found anything about the multi kit.

QUOTE (Ammie @ Oct 4 2007, 10:03 AM)
In the manual it is recommended an other kit for insertions and deletions.
Have anyone tried to use the QuikChange kit for insertions anyway?

I have the Multi QuikChange kit.

It feels that it would work in the same way...
I had a primer-design-accident once and easily inserted a nt in this way.



I have used the quick change kit sucessfully for inserstions and deletions. With much luck as well. Just make sure your primers are good and that you are adding/deleting no more than nine nucleotides at a time.


Now I have tried both to do a deletion and one insertion (both only one nt) and it worked for both.

thanks nazo311 for your answer.
