MRNA Related Discussions
DNase removal prior to mRNA isolation - (reply: 4)
"Gene expression vs Transcription vs mRNA levels": Help with conceptua - (reply: 1)
mRNA levels, transcription or Gene expression? - (reply: 2)
Primer design from mRNA or DNA - Confused about what sequence to use for design of GSP and pPCR primers (reply: 2)
Is it possible to view mRNA on gel - (reply: 9)
mRNA Expression - How to observe mRNA expression of gene. (reply: 10)
mrna detection with sequence specific primers - (reply: 2)
mRNA concentration - how to concentrate mRNA (reply: 2)
PCR primers + large mRNA amplification - (reply: 5)
Huge mRNA overexpression, but no protein overexpression. - (reply: 10)
when to set up a RT-PCR for mRNA expression? - detect transcription of transgene (reply: 1)
checking mRNA expression by reverse transcriptase PCR - (reply: 2)
mRNA expression in T-DNA insertion mutant - Arabidopsis (reply: 1)
Real-time PCR for mRNA stability - (reply: 2)
mRNA purificaton - mRNA extraction from prokaryotes (reply: 1)
Check the mRNA Quality - (reply: 5)
Blast expressed tag sequence using mRNA or genomic sequence - (reply: 1)
Checking mRNA expression by RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
No mRNA or protein made by my mutant gene - (reply: 4)
mRNA purification - (reply: 2)
mRNA sequence - (reply: 2)
Quantitation of non-polyA mRNA - (reply: 3)
mRNA extraction - (reply: 3)
Entrez Nucleotide - Why no mRNA? - (reply: 2)
Any Universal Primer for 3' of cDNAs of all mRNAs? - (reply: 2)
how to dilute cDNA from mRNA concentration? - (reply: 4)
extraction of mRNA - (reply: 2)
primer design from mRNA - (reply: 12)
mRNA vs ds cDNA - Size differenses between mRNA and ds cDNA (reply: 3)
Amplifiying total prokaryotic mRNA - (reply: 4)
Storage: cDNA or mRNA - (reply: 3)
Isolation and characterization of plant mRNA - (reply: 1)
mrna size 2to construct cDNA libary - what is the size of mRNA Needed 2 work cDNA libary (reply: 1)
mRNA quantitation - need some suggestions (reply: 1)
CDS and mRNA - (reply: 4)
Why I could only see knockdown in mRNA level but protein? - help (reply: 3)
minimum mRNA concentration for RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
miRNA & mRNA microarray data correlation - is there any software that can correlate miRNA and mRNA data? (reply: 4)
Using mRNA in cloning - (reply: 1)
Northern Blot - can't detect my mRNA - (reply: 1)
No expression from injected GFP&RFP mRNA - (reply: 16)
comparison of mRNA expression - (reply: 1)
X-Ray film vs Phosphor imaging - Understanding quantification of mRNA (reply: 3)
mRNA purification, stratagene - principles of mRNA oligo(dT) magnetic particles (reply: 3)
Designing RT-RCR Primers according to other species' homology - Using conserved regions as a guide when mRNA isn't known in your a (reply: 1)
circularized mRNA for translation - Does the mRNA relinearize after large subunit docking? (reply: 1)
Assay to test if a mRNA is under active translation? - (reply: 1)
RefSeq mRNA sequences of barley - Retrieving a non-redundant set of cDNAs (or mRNAs) of barley (reply: 1)
GAPDH primer sequences for mRNA level in HeLa cells - (reply: 2)
mRNA induction after shRNA transfection - (reply: 3)
Eclone = ? for In Situ and mRNA injection - What is the official gene name for "eclone" ? (reply: 1)
Real-time PCR vs. Northern Blotting / mRNA stability assays... - Advice from those who have experience with mRNA stability assays, plea (reply: 2)
need protocol for precipitation of 13 mer mRNA - (reply: 3)
does low mRNA expression mean low relevant protein expression - looking for answers or references (reply: 9)
How get GFP signal without mRNA target from pIRES-EGFP - positive by FACS but no DNA amplifation from RT-PCR (reply: 8)
Isolation of a specific mRNA? - RNA pull down (reply: 2)
Inhibition of mRNA transcription - (reply: 5)
mRNA expression too low? - (reply: 3)
mRNA expression low/no effect of the siRNA - (reply: 1)
Dicer knockdown to show miRNA mediated target mRNA expression? - (reply: 6)
respository for brain mRNA or cDNA - (reply: 4)
problem with extraction mRNA from oocytos in RNAlater - (reply: 5)
mRNA half life calculation - log graph - linear or exp regression??????? HELP!!! (reply: 1)
mRNA half life calculation - semi log graph - linear or exp regression??????? HELP!!! (reply: 2)
northern blot, mRNA and the study of splicing - how can I study mRNA? (reply: 2)
Trouble with cloning specific miRNA and mRNA 3' termini? - (reply: 3)
Translation of mRNA in particular tissue - (reply: 2)
the messenger's message - (reply: 12)
Strange: mRNA expression goes up but protein goes down - (reply: 2)
translation of mRNA into protein - (reply: 1)
Does transcription factor affect mRNA half-life? - (reply: 7)
how to determine whether protein level increase is resulted from mRNA stability - (reply: 1)
RNA dot blot probe not detecting mRNA - (reply: 1)
How to get the 3'-UTR sequence from the mRNA seuence? - (reply: 3)
Bacterial mRNA from environmental samples - (reply: 4)
RT-qPCR of bacteria mRNA from sludge - RT-PCR, Real-time PCR, mRNA, sludge (reply: 3)
Has anyone seen target mRNA increasing after RNAi? - (reply: 7)
RNA binding protein isolation - how to figure out what binds your mRNA? (reply: 1)
which kit i should use for isolating mRNA from Soil? - (reply: 1)
How does normal mRNA escape from cleavage by dicer? - (reply: 5)
mRNA or DNA extraction protocol from pichia pastoris - (reply: 5)
Is it necessary to treat total RNA with DNAse I when isolating mRNA? - (reply: 16)
Amplification of 3KB protein from Hela mRNA PCR PROBLEM - PCR Amplification of 3KB protein (reply: 6)
up-regulation of a gene - how long does it take for mRNA - are there general rules or time intervals known (reply: 4)
What is the differency betwen open reading frame and mRNA - (reply: 2)
futile mrna extraction - (reply: 2)
detection of viral mRNA help - (reply: 2)
Non-isotope detection of mRNA and protein interaction - (reply: 3)
siRNA causing mRNA knockdown but no protein knockdown! - (reply: 4)
what is the function of this mRNA - (reply: 3)
translation initiation - scannning of mRNA by ribosome machinery (reply: 1)
mRNA sequence in database - cDNA , sense or anti-sense strand (reply: 3)
mrna lifetime - (reply: 3)
kits for mrna isolation in india - mrna isolation (reply: 1)
Question about reverse transcription of bacteria mRNA - (reply: 3)
St. Curves w/ high Ct - Trying to assay low abundance mRNAs (reply: 5)
cDNA synthesis from mRNA - (reply: 2)
Finding mRNA and EST in Unigene - (reply: 1)
cDNA is longer than mRNA? - ensemb's result (reply: 2)
why mRNA difficult to isolate - (reply: 5)
No change in mRNA or protein levels after RNAi in Trypanosoma brucei - (reply: 4)
gDNA, mRNA and cDNA sequences of a gene? - (reply: 5)
Both total RNA and mRNA in the same reaction? - (reply: 1)
capped mRNA - (reply: 2)
Isolation of total RNA and mRNA from human tissue - (reply: 5)
Kit for isolation of human mRNA? - (reply: 5)
OligoTex mRNA isolation columns (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA) - (reply: 1)
mRNA in situ hybridization - help much needed (reply: 1)
Protein reduction without mRNA reduction? - (reply: 1)
Is mRNA spliced with very small fragment treated with siRNA? - (reply: 3)
EtBr in gel when run mRNA? - (reply: 2)
mRNA quantification - spectrophotometric method (reply: 8)
mRNA of bacteria - (reply: 1)
How to concentrate poly(A)+ mRNA - how to cocentrate mRNA (reply: 2)
Double mRNA/alcian blue detection - Cristian (reply: 1)
How to get expression information from mRNA? - (reply: 2)
A question about mRNA - (reply: 1)
What is a good control gene? - mRNA quantification..... (reply: 1)
mRNA quantification - mRNA quantification (reply: 1)
mRNA - (reply: 1)
Difference in RT PCR products when using total RNA or mRNA - (reply: 4)
How concentrate the mRNA? - (reply: 2)