mRNA quantitation - need some suggestions (Jan/21/2008 )
writing here after a long time.........
hope you all were fine.
now i am stuck with a problem.........our lab is very new in qRT-PCR. we just started it in last year...........but for my doctoral paper i need a result from it as quickly as i need some suggestions from you......
my problem is..........
suppose there is a fungus, i delete 5 gene (coding region) from it and replace a reporter gene so that the reporter gene can express under the native promoter. For example the gene are A, B, C, D, and E.
now i want to see the mRNA amount of "A "in wild type, in "B" deleted strain, in "C"deleted strain etc......
we guess may be the deletion of 'A' increase the level of "B"
that is deletion of one gene increse the level of mRNA amount of other gene........but how to measure it???
once we tried with delta delta ct method from BIO-RAD, but my prof said it is a compare between two gene, but here we want to compare 2 gene in 2 different strain.................
please help me out.........
It is exactly what delta delta ct does.
Here's what you can do.
Perform delta delta ct on both strains, let's say wild type and "b" deleted strain. The reaction gives you this :
Wild type : Ratio of gene "A"/Housekeeping gene
"B" deleted strain : Ratio of gene "A"/housekeeping gene
Then, if you set the value of the Ratio of gene "A"/Housekeeping gene of the Wild type to 1, you can calculate the relative expression of the gene A in "B" deleted strain.
Hope i'm clear