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RefSeq mRNA sequences of barley - Retrieving a non-redundant set of cDNAs (or mRNAs) of barley (Jul/22/2007 )

Dear all,

I would like to get all the non-redundant cDNA sequences of barley. For this reason I'm thinking about retrieving all RefSeq mRNAs of barley. I have made a search to the Core Nucleotide database ( using the following query:

"barley[organism] AND biomol_mRNA[properties] AND srcdb_refseq[PROP]"

However, not any sequences were returned. I have also used the Entrez Limits settings, but the result was the same.

Is there something wrong in my search?
Are there any RefSeq mRNAs for barley?
Is there another way to get a non-redundant set of cDNA (or mRNA) sequences of barley? I will appreciate any idea.

Thank you in advance.

-Mr. George-

QUOTE (Mr. George @ Jul 22 2007, 03:06 AM)
"barley[organism] AND biomol_mRNA[properties] AND srcdb_refseq[PROP]"

Your query looks fine to me. I guess there is no sequence being indexed as refseq for barley. All cDNA sequences.
