Isolation of total RNA and mRNA from human tissue - (Apr/12/2005 )
Are there any good kits i can use to isolate total RNA and thereafter mRNA from human tissue?
Thanks for any help and inputs.
RNeasy Protect Kit from Qiagen is quite good.
RNeasy is quite good yes, but if you have limited material you get more with trizol or TRI reagent. It is a bit unhealthy but I think it is the best method (and less expensive especially if you use TRI reagent wich is the same as trizol but cheaper)
Regards Caro
kits are good and healthier as trizol or Tri reagent. But they have a limited capacity to bind small rnas. That's an important point. For mRNA, you'll find help at this topic : Kit for isolation of human mRNA?
Ive been trying to isolate total RNA from a mollusc species using the qiagen midi kit. However, when i check the samples in a gel i only see one band (18S?). So i though degration. But ive done a side by side fish sample and the result was ok. Any explanation??
Many thanks
Thanks for any help and inputs.
I think it depends on amount of your sample...and on the way what you want to do with this rna...
i think trizol or something like this is OK....dont worry about health have to intensively breath it or drink it to cause some troubles....
if you want to use some kit...i would prefer Ambion there you will surely find some kit...e.g. paris