How concentrate the mRNA? - (Oct/03/2001 )
I need to concentrate the mRNA sample. How can do it?Many thanksMonica
Depedent upon your downstream purpose, your mRNA concentration, the amount of mRNA, the mRNA size you need, you can precipitate the mRNA with ethanol, isopropyl, or LiCl with/without addition of glycogen or tRNA. Maybe you can also first try to use n-butanol to concentrate it, followed be precipitation.
Dependent on the amount of total RNA which is used for mRNA isolation.If greater than 0.5-1 mg, the RNA may be concentrated by alcohol precipitation; If less than 0.5 mg of total RNA is used as starting material, freeze the mRNA elute at minus 20 degree for ten minutes,then dry down in a speed Vacum. The time will depend on your mRNA volume.