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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : siRNA--microRNA-and-RNAi
31. Knockdown with shRNA not stable (Why?) - (reply: 3)
32. Reference genes in miRNAs - (reply: 3)
33. miR30 based shRNA in mouse cells - (reply: 3)
34. simultaneous knock down of two genes in a single cell line - (reply: 1)
35. help on an experiment - (reply: 1)
36. Pan-Cancer pattern of lncRNAs, miRNAs and their regulatory networks - (reply: 2)
37. A help for siRNA experiment - (reply: 2)
38. rna extraction protocol - (reply: 3)
39. Basic questions - (reply: 2)
40. miRNA-mediated competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) networks - (reply: 4)
41. software for drawing small RNA molecules and nucleotides - (reply: 2)
42. miRNA knockdown in a mouse, tail vein injection (~50% KD) - (reply: 2)
43. No reduction in protein expr after 2nd passage of transfected cells - (reply: 3)
44. Clone selection for scrambled shRNA transfected cells ? - (reply: 2)
45. Help with shRNAmiR30 based constructs (for a simple MD) - (reply: 3)
46. Question: How to differentiate siRNAs and mature miRNAs in plant by Northern blo - (reply: 3)
47. synthetic microRNA stability - (reply: 1)
48. siRNA detection......which strand shuld labelled - (reply: 2)
49. scrambeled miR sequence - (reply: 5)
50. miRNA overexpression troubleshooting - (reply: 2)
51. siRNA quantification using UV - (reply: 1)
52. overexpress mature microRNA by siRNA vector - (reply: 2)
53. MiRNA obtaining - (reply: 1)
54. Gene of interest targeting micrornas - (reply: 6)
55. Trouble with shRNA transfection - (reply: 2)
56. need help for trouble shooting the contamination in miR-X assay from serum - (reply: 1)
57. miRNA sequencing from FFPE tissue - (reply: 3)
58. which to use: miR or miRexpression vector - (reply: 1)
59. RNA journals - (reply: 4)
60. Detecting miRNA mimics by RT-PCR? - (reply: 4)

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