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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : siRNA--microRNA-and-RNAi
271. How to do stable knock-down by shRNA – advices for beginner - (reply: 1)
272. MiRNA mediates haemodynamic-to-Vegf signalling in angiogenesis - Link to journal (reply: 3)
273. non-silencing shRNA control - (reply: 3)
274. lentiviral overexpression of miRNAs - (reply: 6)
275. CMV-delta R8.2 and pCMV-delta R8.2 - (reply: 3)
276. miRNA expression - (reply: 2)
277. shRNA expression levels - (reply: 4)
278. using mirbase? - (reply: 1)
279. Problem with validation of the miRNA binding site in 3' UTR reporter - (reply: 4)
280. detect miRNAs expression by qPCR - (reply: 2)
281. quantification of the expression of pre-miRNA and miRNA in plants - (reply: 1)
282. How many miRNA will be down regulated after knocking down Dicer in mouse - (reply: 3)
283. Can anybody help me with miRanda tool for miRNA prediction - (reply: 1)
284. how to make 3'UTR reporter - (reply: 2)
285. miRNA isolation from serum - (reply: 15)
286. Workflow of qRT-PCR for siRNA - help please. (reply: 5)
287. Detecting small RNAs via DeepSeq? - (reply: 1)
288. Specific targeting of alternative splice forms? - Is this possible (reply: 2)
289. siRNA againts Beta Actin Help PLease - (reply: 2)
290. Effect of MOI on lentiviral shRNA knockdown - (reply: 1)
291. How to estimate viral titre? - (reply: 1)
292. Review of zebrafish miRNA - Link to abstract (reply: 1)
293. Assessing Pre-miR transfection efficiency - Without a fluorescent microscope (reply: 2)
294. microRNAs and mRNAs. Interpreting gene expression profiles - Gene expression profiling and microRNAs (reply: 4)
295. Bands in a miRNA gel - (reply: 1)
296. Why there is no knockdown? - (reply: 3)
297. Optimizing transfection of miRNA - Need help on transfection using lipofectamine 2000. (reply: 2)
298. knockdown issue...please help... - shRNA pGIPZ vector (reply: 1)
299. pRL-TK as primary Vector ? - (reply: 1)
300. miRNA isolation - (reply: 3)

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