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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : siRNA--microRNA-and-RNAi
361. Ncode qRT-PCR - (reply: 6)
362. microRNAs - How to identify them? (reply: 1)
363. ABI Taqman Low density microRNA Array card - (reply: 3)
364. Is necessary to use pfu polymearse for PCR amplification of pre-miRNA for clonin - (reply: 4)
365. novel microRNA prediction - (reply: 2)
366. pri-miR transcript - where does transcription start? (reply: 1)
367. siRNA electroporation - (reply: 1)
368. small RNA Northern - duration of transfer (reply: 1)
369. MCF-7 cells dying after siRNA transfection + estrogen - (reply: 1)
370. microRNAs - Extraction methods (reply: 3)
371. Is it possible to reuse electroporation cuvette to transfect siRNA - (reply: 4)
372. Have anyone ever to use miRNASelect™ pEGP-miR Cloning and Expression Vector (CEL - (reply: 1)
373. Problems with gene knockdown - No knockdown with validated shRNAs :( (reply: 6)
374. translation of cleaved miRNA targets - (reply: 3)
375. Silencer® GFP (eGFP) siRNA – AM4626 - (reply: 2)
376. Hammerhead ribozyme cleavage - (reply: 2)
377. siRNA - (reply: 2)
378. in vitro siRNA - wich is the best company for a siRNA for in vitro assay? (reply: 2)
379. prediction of novel microRNAs from deep sequencing data? - microRNA deep sequencing (reply: 1)
380. RNAi - (reply: 1)
381. pcDNA/pSUPER - (reply: 1)
382. ready made or customize miRNA microarray chip - (reply: 2)
383. shRNA stable lines - no stable reduction seen (reply: 3)
384. miRNA isolation from liquid samples - (reply: 18)
385. Is it Possible - Is it possible RNAi cross-reaction with normal cells molecules?? (reply: 1)
386. annotated 3'utr? - (reply: 1)
387. Max. length for 3'UTR in luciferase assay? - (reply: 1)
388. target protector and site mutagenesis - how to make it? (reply: 6)
389. Complementation experiment - (reply: 4)
390. Why the fluoresence is dim or dispear in miRNA vector? - miRNA (reply: 3)

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