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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : siRNA--microRNA-and-RNAi
61. shRNA Lentiviral Transduction- loss of knockdown after 1-3 passages - (reply: 1)
62. RNA alcohol/salt precipitation...low temperature - (reply: 1)
63. To small amount of cells used for shRNA transfection - (reply: 1)
64. shRNA interference using Lenti virus vector - (reply: 1)
65. Dual Luciferase Assay - (reply: 1)
66. Overexpressing miR - rescue by co-overexpressing its target - (reply: 1)
67. miRNA quantification - (reply: 3)
68. Not RNAi. Has anyone tried gene knock-up? - (reply: 2)
69. Gene knockdown expression levels shRNAmirs - (reply: 2)
70. siRNA in E.Coli - (reply: 2)
71. siRNA resuspension in RNase-free water - (reply: 1)
72. Is overexpression a correct way to check shRNA knockdown efficiency? - (reply: 9)
73. Annealed oligos vs. non annealed. Electrophoresis pattern. - (reply: 4)
74. microRNA promoter based expression vector? - (reply: 1)
75. miRNA expression profiling - (reply: 3)
76. microRNA validation in vivo - (reply: 1)
77. in vivo naked-mRNA delivery - (reply: 4)
78. shRNA with 100% marker expression but no knockdown efficiency at all - (reply: 7)
79. Recommendation on siRNA transfection reagents - (reply: 2)
80. shRNA designed for AB1 gene also knockdown AB2 - (reply: 2)
81. How long is the suppressive efficiency by siRNA or shRNA - (reply: 2)
82. Transfection reagent stored at -20C - (reply: 2)
83. [QUESTION] Is it possible to incorperate Tri Reagent (Trizol) with the Mirvana m - (reply: 3)
84. Synthetic microrna for normalization in serum samples - (reply: 1)
85. DNA and siRNA transfection and cytotoxicity - (reply: 1)
86. miRNA qPCR normalization/control gene sequence!!!! - (reply: 2)
87. What is the best way to overexpress miRNAs? - (reply: 1)
88. Hiperfect siRNA in HT-29 cells help - (reply: 2)
89. Is the distance between U6 promoter and shRNA sequence critical? - (reply: 6)
90. Different amount of oligonucleotide - (reply: 1)

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