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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : siRNA--microRNA-and-RNAi
151. how does the binding of miRNA at 3'UTR regulates the gene - (reply: 3)
152. Promoter activity of microRNA - (reply: 3)
153. renilla values are going down with firefly values after miRNA transfection - (reply: 1)
154. shRNA screening - (reply: 2)
155. Phenotypes with two different siRNA but no knockdown? - trouble in showing a knock-down (reply: 2)
156. Which miRNA probe to choose? - (reply: 1)
157. Sigma esiRNA induces target gene expression - (reply: 1)
158. miRNA knockdown experiment controls - Very confused (reply: 2)
159. How to explain this luciferase result?! - (reply: 2)
160. Help on mIcroRNA expression levels - concentration needed (reply: 1)
161. siRNA optimization - (reply: 5)
162. designing mutant 3'UTR - (reply: 2)
163. problem with obtaining iRNA: AT rich sequences??? - (reply: 1)
164. miRNA from serum - (reply: 1)
165. siRNA transfection with lipofectamine 2000 - (reply: 1)
166. Problems with Scrambled Control - Scrambled controls are inhibiting cell growth more than test siRNA (reply: 2)
167. Will transfected plasmids induce cytokine production? - (reply: 1)
168. miRNA knockdown approaches - (reply: 6)
169. siRNA screening and RNAse free - (reply: 1)
170. ShRNA transfection - (reply: 1)
171. miRNA/siRNA transfection doubts - (reply: 2)
172. Sequencing miRNA qRT-PCR Products - (reply: 5)
173. PCR of microRNA first strand cDNA - (reply: 1)
174. optimal size for 3'UTR cloning - miRNA and 3'UTR cloning (reply: 2)
175. How to express a rare microRNA - (reply: 2)
176. miRNA LNA - how can I designed a scramble ? (reply: 1)
177. pri-miRNA sequencing - (reply: 4)
178. siRNA transfection - 7-day study - serum free media? (reply: 2)
179. siRNA shearing during light sonication? - (reply: 1)
180. shRNA produce virus - (reply: 2)

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