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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : siRNA--microRNA-and-RNAi
121. si/shRNA sequences against eGFP - (reply: 1)
122. microRNA and 3' UTR - (reply: 2)
123. Designing primers for miRNA located on minus strand. - (reply: 2)
124. Need help with extracting miRNA from human serum using mirVana kit - (reply: 2)
125. siRNA time - (reply: 1)
126. mir30-based shrna cloning-mismatch - (reply: 1)
127. New RNAi video from Nature - (reply: 1)
128. checking whther there is any miRNA in introns of a specific gene. - (reply: 1)
129. What to do Post-transfection of cells with siRNA? - (reply: 2)
130. miRNA in serum - (reply: 1)
131. Difference between <Antisense RNA> & <RNAi>? - (reply: 1)
132. How to predict targets from a novel miRNA - (reply: 1)
133. Knock down efficiency - (reply: 2)
134. Let-7 and miR-143 miRNA? - (reply: 1)
135. protein did not knock down by shRNA, but RNA did knock down - (reply: 4)
136. Targets of mirna* - (reply: 1)
137. Which company to buy siRNA from? - (reply: 1)
138. How to predict targets of unkown miRNAs in Drosophila - (reply: 2)
139. shRNA rescue with site directed mutagenesis - oligo design - (reply: 4)
140. How to explain the difference between microarray results and qPCR data - (reply: 1)
141. placing siRNA seq into miRNA stem-loop - (reply: 4)
142. How many RNA I need for detecting plasma miR expression? - (reply: 1)
143. Help finding siRNA targets in MEF and HEK293 cells needed - (reply: 4)
144. Totai RNA dilution - (reply: 8)
145. Help to construct luciferase DNA construct - construct luciferase DNA construct (reply: 2)
146. problem with miRNA functional study - (reply: 1)
147. problem with siRNA transfection of HEK cells - (reply: 5)
148. Decreased siRNA performance at high concentrations: feasible? - (reply: 1)
149. Basic question: sc- vs. sc+ - (reply: 2)
150. 3'UTR sequence of a gene - (reply: 3)

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