QPCR Related Discussions
What applications can you think of for ultra fast qPCR ? - (reply: 1)
Low amount of RNA and cDNa for qPCR - (reply: 1)
real-time PCR machine error - (reply: 1)
Housekeeper Genes and Real-Time PCR - (reply: 1)
Pre-designed qRT-PCR primers - (reply: 1)
Gene expression in colonic tissues using qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)
qPCR run w. strong positive NTC signal but very low fluorescence - (reply: 1)
making your own qPCR kit! - (reply: 1)
Problem with TaqMan qPCR efficiency - (reply: 1)
relative quantification - things to do before the actual qPCR - (reply: 3)
qPCR std curve calculation issue if using PCR product as the std - (reply: 1)
qPCR , eDNA and standard curve - (reply: 3)
QPCR with genomic DNA from blood - (reply: 2)
qPCR data analysis - (reply: 2)
cDNA serial dilution trouble in qPCR: help needed - (reply: 2)
Real-time pcr - (reply: 1)
Using qPCR machine for simple PCR, is it possible? - (reply: 3)
QPCR replicates issue - (reply: 1)
qPCR data analysis from raw data - (reply: 1)
Primer calculation for qPCR - final reaction - (reply: 1)
Help with definitons for qPCR - (reply: 1)
Calibrator in qPCR - (reply: 7)
standards for qPCR and some other doubts - (reply: 9)
Plasma cortisol/corticosterone level analysis using qPCR - (reply: 1)
qPCR with different genes - (reply: 5)
qPCR normalization - (reply: 4)
qPCR acceptable standard deviation - (reply: 1)
qPCR standard for lipase genes - (reply: 2)
Campylobacter jejuni qPCR targeting VS1 gene - (reply: 2)
Newbie to qPCR - (reply: 4)
real time qPCR standard range plasmid - (reply: 3)
t-test & qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)
Question about baselines in Real-Time PCR - (reply: 3)
Contamination in qRT-PCR RT-minus - band similar to cDNA, not sure what it is? - (reply: 2)
labX offers on realtime PCR machines - (reply: 4)
qPCR error bars - confused! - (reply: 2)
qPCR uniformity test - (reply: 1)
need help setting up reverse transcriptase qPCR - (reply: 3)
PCR working, qPCR is *not*. - (reply: 6)
No signal in qPCR from ChIP sample - (reply: 1)
When to dilute samples for qPCR - (reply: 2)
help with qPCR - (reply: 1)
Gene expression varying over time course when it shouldn't (qRT-PCR) - (reply: 6)
different amount of cDNA in qRT-PCR for target and reference genes - (reply: 3)
Troubleshooting qPCR standards - (reply: 1)
qPCR , H&E, IHC for Influenza is not correlated - (reply: 3)
How to set up real-time PCR for yes/no bands (rearrangement) - (reply: 4)
RNA concentration is too low to detect gene of interest by qRT-PCR - (reply: 4)
If I am running Real-Time PCR with one gene of interest and one reference gene(G - (reply: 4)
Do I need to run HKG together with the GOI everytime I run Real-Time PCR? - (reply: 1)
qPCR and miRNA isolation - (reply: 4)
I'm working on an automated DD2CT value generator for Life tech qPCR machine - (reply: 2)
Reference gene(s) selection and validaton for qPCR - (reply: 5)
Is it possible quantify dsDNA pre-sequencing with a kit in stepone plus qpcr - (reply: 2)
qPCR cannot detect reaction. - (reply: 1)
qRT-PCR works one day, and not the next - (reply: 1)
Inter run calibration qRT-PCR - (reply: 2)
qPCR amplification - (reply: 4)
COLD-PCR (Dissociation Curve) via qPCR - (reply: 4)
how to hasten real-time PCR amplifications - (reply: 2)
Different primer concentration in qPCR - (reply: 1)
Problem with Real-time PCR results analysis - (reply: 1)
Real-time PCR does not work, while the conventional PCR (with same conditions an - (reply: 3)
Defining standards in qPCR softwares - (reply: 3)
Having problem with primers for qPCR - (reply: 4)
timecourse experiment for Western and qPCR - (reply: 2)
suitable single-copy gene target for fungal qPCR - (reply: 4)
qPCR of Intronless gene - (reply: 4)
qPCR reference gene testing help - (reply: 4)
ABI 7300 qRT-PCR and ddCT protocol - (reply: 1)
excess rna sample affect qpcr? - (reply: 2)
qpcr and sample dilution - (reply: 11)
qPCR result of pooled samples - (reply: 1)
Protocol for qPCR using the ABI SYBRŪ Green PCR Master Mix - (reply: 1)
qPCR - (reply: 1)
defining ratio of alternative spliced gene with qPCR - (reply: 14)
Normalization of qRT-PCR following nuclear/cytoplasmic fractionation - (reply: 4)
real-time pcr non reproducible - (reply: 4)
Inexplicable qPCR failure in single wells - (reply: 12)
analysing qpcr data and plotting standard curve - (reply: 1)
qPCR - no amplification curve but suitable melting curve - (reply: 3)
Basic question about qPCR and endogenous RNA control. - (reply: 4)
CT of qPCR - (reply: 3)
cDNA amount in qPCR - (reply: 2)
mRNA integrity for qPCR - (reply: 6)
Perfect dilution curve, but double peak melting curve on SYBR qPCR - (reply: 7)
Real-time efficiency question - (reply: 1)
Selective removal of standards post qPCR Run - (reply: 1)
qPCR question (no results?) - (reply: 1)
>100% input in histone ChIP qPCR - (reply: 2)
Sensitivity of RT-PCR and qPCR - (reply: 4)
RT-qPCR primer problem - (reply: 4)
Mixing two cDNA samples into one for realtime PCR - (reply: 3)
Are these primer products good enough for qPCR? - (reply: 3)
mtDNA to nDNA Ratio gDNA - qPCR - (reply: 1)
McrBC + qPCR : mock has higher Cts than digested? - (reply: 1)
urgent: need help with qPCR statistics - (reply: 2)
Dye for qPCR - (reply: 3)
can canine COL1A1 primers be used to quantify human COL1A1 cDNA in qPCR - (reply: 1)
qPCR multiplex- impact of the fluorophore on probe annealing temperature - (reply: 1)
Optimizing reactions for qRT-PCR using regular thermocycler - (reply: 4)
reference gene for qPCR in E.coli - (reply: 2)
qPCR from HEK cells transfected with Plasmid - (reply: 4)
qPCR detection - (reply: 2)
qPCR with Genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
How useful are Service Contracts for qPCR machines? - (reply: 2)
Normalizing qPCR data - (reply: 1)
High GC content RT-qPCR - please help - (reply: 3)
good 16S univ. primer for qPCR? - (reply: 3)
add template first or Syber mix first to reduce contamination in qPCR? - (reply: 3)
Can I use Real-time PCR instead of Southern Blot to determine number of integran - (reply: 1)
thermocycler - real-time versus conventional? - (reply: 2)
Trouble correlating GU/ml qPCR results to cfu/ml plating results - (reply: 2)
qPCR [template] and [primer] troubleshooting...... - (reply: 1)
Multiple Bands in qPCR - (reply: 4)
Is it possible to compare abundance of isoforms by qPCR - (reply: 6)
Reference RNA for qPCR - (reply: 3)
Problem with UPL real-time PCR - please help !!! - (reply: 1)
qRT-PCR data analysis - (reply: 2)
Strange RT to qPCR results with new kit - (reply: 5)
qPCR: band in gel, but super high Cq? - (reply: 10)
RT-qPCR normalization - (reply: 3)
Inconsistent sample quality in quantitative real-time PCR - What could be the pr - (reply: 3)
qPCR with several BIOLOGICAL REPLICATES, how to compare? - (reply: 1)
miRNA qPCR normalization/control gene sequence!!!! - (reply: 2)
qPCR: CT value of reference gene - (reply: 3)
qPCR, Appearance of amplification curve for my minus RT control - (reply: 6)
Making a qPCR standard amplicon from cloning, why? - (reply: 4)
geNorm alternative for qPCR housekeeping genes - (reply: 1)
qPCR contamination problem - (reply: 5)
Can human 18S primer, probe set for qPCR be used for Rhesus and Cynomolgus sampl - (reply: 3)
RT-qPCR plate set up NoRT controls - (reply: 1)
same primers, different product in conventional PCR and qPCR - (reply: 6)
Plateau height qPCR - (reply: 3)
UDG in qPCR - (reply: 1)
qPCR : why substracting CT values instead of dividing ? - (reply: 3)
Problem/qPCR, 2 peaks en melting curve - (reply: 4)
Experiment plan for RT-qPCR internal reference search - (reply: 3)
Recommended tamplate DNA concentration for qPCR - (reply: 2)
Enough checks for gDNA contamination in qPCR? - (reply: 3)
optical qPCR plates - (reply: 1)
PCR optimization: PCR vs qPCR - (reply: 4)
TaqMan qPCR low-template issues - (reply: 1)
qPCR standard curve slope (m) - (reply: 2)
having nice sharp bands in PCR but no signal in Real-Time PCR - (reply: 5)
Is some amount of RNA obligatory for qRT-PCR? - (reply: 5)
Normalizing to negative control primers for ChIP qPCR - (reply: 3)
Message Amount in qPCR - (reply: 1)
cDNA concentration of qPCR - (reply: 1)
qPCR normalization of reference gene - (reply: 1)
Desperate! qPCR standard curve problems - (reply: 2)
Home made real-time PCR problem - (reply: 4)
relative qPCR analysis when gene is not expressed at baseline - (reply: 8)
Which Brand of real-time PCR machine - (reply: 6)
Weird qPCR curves - (reply: 11)
Problem with New qPCR primers - help! - (reply: 6)
Validation of microarray data by qPCR - (reply: 1)
Help with high Ct values for Real-Time PCR - (reply: 1)
Very late CP for control in rt-qPCR from RNAlater samples - (reply: 3)
qPCR analysis- can I use RQ? - (reply: 1)
Error bars for qPCR; technical vs. biological replicate - (reply: 2)
Real-Time PCR using ABI Fast Sybr Green chemistry - (reply: 2)
Maximum Annealing-Temperature for Real-Time? - (reply: 3)
Real-Time efficiencies and the pfaffl method - (reply: 1)
RNA extraction from FFPE cancer tissues for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
qPCR in primary cells - housekeeping CT-values sample-specific bad - (reply: 1)
How to find that my RNA is not contaminated with gDNA, before running Real-Time - (reply: 5)
Multiple internal controls in using qPCR to measure gene duplication - (reply: 1)
qPCR Calc Help - (reply: 6)
qPCR result interpretation - when your 'relative' is 0?? - (reply: 2)
real time qRT-PCR and low expression gene - (reply: 2)
Validating MeDIP by qPCR - (reply: 3)
Bands seen with qPCR missing in regular PCR - (reply: 5)
How to explain the difference between microarray results and qPCR data - (reply: 1)
clear bands on agarose gel but problems in melting curve after qPCR - (reply: 2)
SYBR QPCR problem, please help! strange melting curve... - Primer dimers? Or other problems? (reply: 4)
Weird qPCR curves - (reply: 4)
Design strategy for real-time RT-PCR, how to decide on what gene of interest and - Newbie that's completly mRNA confused, please help! (reply: 2)
real-time PCR after restriction enzyme digestion - (reply: 6)
genes having different annealing temperatures in the same qPCR run - housekeeping gene and target gene have different annealing temperature (reply: 1)
Pfaffl calculation for qpcr: what to enter for E value? - (reply: 2)
Help! Smear in Real-Time PCR Product - (reply: 1)
Sybr green RT-qPCR primer - (reply: 1)
Sybr green RT-qPCR primer - (reply: 1)
running multiple qPCR with common housekeeping control - (reply: 3)
To quantify cDNA or total RNA for real-time gene expression analysis? - (reply: 4)
Consistancy in qPCR data - (reply: 5)
qPCR with low expressing genes - (reply: 1)
Calculating geometric mean for real-time PCR - (reply: 5)
>100% qPCR efficiency - (reply: 2)
Improving qRT-PCR detection limits - (reply: 2)
Real-time PCR about Incorrect setup of the data collection stage - (reply: 1)
excel and propagation of error, qpcr - (reply: 1)
Triage of miRNA targets by qPCR - (reply: 1)
qPCR primer design - possible off-target (reply: 1)
Primer dimer formation and real-time PCR - (reply: 7)
qPCR virgin, What do I do first? - How to set up experiment (reply: 1)
Sequencing miRNA qRT-PCR Products - (reply: 5)
Is it acceptable that qpcr reaction doesn't reach plateau? - (reply: 3)
Using DNA as a reference in qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)
minimum replicate for qpcr? - (reply: 15)
qPCR amplification interference fixed with freezing - (reply: 6)
qPCR volume - Problem with volume difference and results (reply: 1)
Best way to mix qPCR master mix and high ct deviation questions - (reply: 3)
Effect of collagenase on qpcr results - (reply: 1)
qPCR inhibition - (reply: 1)
Primers for qPCR - (reply: 3)
can RNA amplify in two-step qPCR? - (reply: 2)
qPCR problem with miRNA - No signal in the qPCR (reply: 4)
Using Sybr green in realtime pcr - (reply: 1)
Real Easy qRT-PCR tutorial Links? - Links? (reply: 2)
how to determine the amount of cDNA for qPCR - (reply: 5)
standard curve for qPCR - (reply: 3)
Standard curve for qPCR - (reply: 1)
About serial dilution of cDNA were amplified by real-time PCR - How to do serial dilution of cDNA (reply: 1)
QPCR melting curves peaks - Standard curve has one peak, samples have another (reply: 5)
weird QPCR curves - (reply: 2)
Denaturing gel electrophoresis for qPCR - (reply: 3)
Long-amplicon QPCR of mtDNA - (reply: 5)
Attenuation of qPCR efficiency? - Established method for reducing efficiency of qPCR reaction? (reply: 3)
Help with real-time PCR quantification of miRNA - (reply: 8)
negative control in qRT-PCR - (reply: 6)
Question about RealTime PCR Primer Design - (reply: 1)
How to present and analyze these real-time PCR data? - (reply: 2)
qPCR for transformed cells - (reply: 1)
Clinical Real-time PCR assay - (reply: 1)
Standard curve for real-time PCR - (reply: 2)
RT-qPCR Experimental Design - How to arrange experimental replicates for treatment and control (reply: 1)
DNA contamination of RNA samples for qPCR...weird results! - (reply: 3)
Real-time qPCR data analysis - (reply: 1)
Is it possible to compare data between real-time PCR plates - (reply: 1)
Questions of Standards making in relative qRT-PCR - (reply: 2)
relative comparison of many samples and genes in qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)
Reference genes and dilutions in qPCR - (reply: 1)
Issue with standard curve for qPCR for CHiP - (reply: 1)
qPCR data analysis - (reply: 1)
qPCR Data analysis - qBasePlus and GenEx (reply: 1)
error message on qPCR mashine - (reply: 1)
Determine exon and intron for primer design - How to determine exon and intron for qRT-PCR primer design (reply: 2)
qRT-PCR for plant gene expression - qRT-PCR for plant gene expression (reply: 5)
homemade mastermix for qPCR - any reason not to make a lot and freeze - (reply: 9)
qPCR Amplification Efficiency too high - Efficiency of 115 - 145% (reply: 1)
qPCR for telomere length measurement - efficiency issues - complicated monochrome multiplex assay with SYBR Green (reply: 40)
qPCR Data Analysis - Software (reply: 3)
problems when use qPCR to quantify bisulfite modified DNA - (reply: 4)
Primer design for qPCR - (reply: 2)
Primer design for qPCR - (reply: 1)
reporting results of qPCR - (reply: 1)
a question about 16s rRNA as reference in RT-qPCR - (reply: 1)
question about qRT-PCR preparation - (reply: 1)
qPCR efficiency calculation - (reply: 1)
qPCR on chIP product - (reply: 3)
QPCR/DDCT Method/ Statistics - (reply: 2)
beginners guide to qPCR for differences in gene expression - Help (reply: 4)
Having abnormal dissociation curve when performing qPCR - (reply: 3)
Differences between primers for real-time PCR and RT-PCR - (reply: 6)
How much template DNA do you use for qPCR - (reply: 1)
paranormal qpcr amplification activity - melting curves (reply: 3)
General qRT-PCR question - (reply: 3)
qPCR stats problem - Vandesompele's, DDct or other methods?? (reply: 1)
qPCR absolute/relative quantification method question - (reply: 4)
Compare different qPCR runs - really need help (reply: 8)
qPCR of BS DNA - (reply: 6)
Real-Time PCR using genomic DNA (without DNA purification) - (reply: 3)
qRT-PCR to differentiate 3 Isoforms of 1 Gene - (reply: 1)
standards for absolute quantification qPCR - (reply: 1)
Relative gene expression - Newbie at RT-qPCR! (reply: 3)
qPCR, RT- Control - (reply: 2)
Pre-amplification of template for qPCR - (reply: 1)
Software for analysis of raw real-time flouresence data - Analysis of tab delimited text flouresence v cycle data (reply: 7)
conventional v real-time PCR applications - (reply: 1)
different PCR primers for real-time and classic PCR - (reply: 3)
qRT-PCR Inconsistency - (reply: 1)
question qPCR data presentation? - (reply: 1)
increasing qPCR reaction volume - Quick and simple question of qPCR reaction volume (reply: 2)
detect miRNAs expression by qPCR - (reply: 2)
good amplification in classic PCR, no amplification in qPCR - (reply: 6)
BSA as qPCR enhancer - NEB or Sigma? (reply: 3)
Reference for qPCR Chip? - (reply: 1)
Workflow of qRT-PCR for siRNA - help please. (reply: 5)
Taqman real-time PCR - Taqman and contamination (reply: 4)
Data Analysis for Real-time PCR - (reply: 2)
Replicate inconsistencies in qPCR - (reply: 6)
How to Normalize of RT-qPCR with several reference genes ? - (reply: 2)
Real-Time PCR - Gene expression (reply: 2)
QPCR analysis with various # of samples from 1 patient? - (reply: 1)
Analyzing qPCR results - (reply: 1)
QPCR - Primer and Probe question - QPCR (reply: 2)
qRT-PCR Product Size - (reply: 5)
18s control in qPCR - (reply: 2)
qrt-pcr and northern blot ,which way is better? - (reply: 4)
microrna quantitation ---use northern blot or qrt-pcr? - (reply: 1)
Relative qPCR dCt analysis - Different ways to analyze data? (reply: 1)
qPCR analysis - (reply: 6)
Can I use genomic DNA to make a standard curve for qPCR - (reply: 5)
Finding cDNA for making a standard curve for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
calibrator - what is this in qPCR (reply: 1)
qPCR determination of phage numbers - slope difference for different phage clones (reply: 2)
Realtime PCR machine - (reply: 2)
confirming an siRNA gene knockdown using qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)
home made sybr green mix for qpcr - (reply: 2)
reference genes for qPCR - (reply: 3)
qPCR using standard curve method - how to do correct setup? (reply: 3)
realtime PCR interpretation-peak found in negative control but no Ct value - (reply: 6)
Best time to isolate RNA for qPCR? - (reply: 1)
Opinion on Eppendorf Realplex qPCR machin - (reply: 2)
xChIP qPCR calculation if NoAb ctrl is N.A - (reply: 1)
Long real-time Amplicon - (reply: 2)
qPCR - no signal detected but plenty of product on gel - (reply: 3)
Amplify cDNA for qRT-PCR? - (reply: 6)
QPCR problem! - (reply: 9)
Reference gene qPCR - (reply: 4)
qRT-PCR no of cycles?? - (reply: 6)
Is my primer going to work for qRT-PCR? - (reply: 6)
Sybr Green I in real-time PCR reaction - (reply: 3)
Measuring global methylation by QPCR - (reply: 1)
RNA extraction for qPCR: Trizol vs. column? - (reply: 5)
Cell-cycle independant qRT-PCR internal control - anyone has experience doing this? (reply: 1)
Ncode qRT-PCR - (reply: 6)
qRT-PCR calculations - Averaging across biological replicates (reply: 2)
Homogenizing animal tissue to RT-PCR in real-time - (reply: 2)
differently behavioring replicates in real-time PCR - (reply: 1)
Endogenous control in bacterial RT-qPCR - (reply: 4)
RT qPCR Newbie, Weird Results - (reply: 1)
Low qPCR efficiency with plasmid template, why? - Low qPCR efficiency with plasmid template (reply: 5)
qPCR and varying cDNA concentrations - (reply: 1)
qPCR lacks reproduceability - perfect runs, no reproduceability, no explaination, desperate... (reply: 5)
qPCR and quantity of RNA - (reply: 2)
How & where to prepare qPCR - (reply: 9)
about qPCR plates sealing films - Axygen UC-500 vs. UC-200 (reply: 4)
Normalization of qpcr data - (reply: 1)
Making standard dilution for qPCR - (reply: 1)
Real Time PCR issues - Problems regarding my qPCR (reply: 6)
How to use Real-time PCR to detect some gene copy numbe in plant genome? - (reply: 1)
Freezing DNA have effects on real-time PCR efficiencies - (reply: 1)
Interpreting QPCR DATA - (reply: 3)
Quantifying ingested bacteria without realtime PCR - (reply: 3)
RNA isolation for real-time RT-PCR - forgot to inactivate the DNAse (reply: 4)
Sequencing of scarce real-time amplicons - (reply: 1)
real-time PCR and HIV - what is the most commonly used assay to measure viral load in plasma (reply: 2)
Real-Time PCR as a Microplate Reader - (reply: 1)
re-amplification in real-time PCR - (reply: 1)
Ct fluctuations in qPCR - (reply: 3)
qPCR efficiency - how to improve (reply: 4)
qPCR primer design - (reply: 5)
template concentration qPCR - (reply: 1)
qRT-PCR Problems - (reply: 1)
qRT-PCR with DMSO - (reply: 2)
VWR Real-Time PCR plates for eppendorf Realplex - (reply: 2)
Problems with qRT-PCR - (reply: 3)
What quantitation method you prefer to use in relative qPCR? - Standard curve, Pfaffl, deltadelta CT? (reply: 3)
Understanding qPCR and gene expression changes - (reply: 10)
Nested Relative Quatitative Real-Time RT-PCR - (reply: 5)
how to design the primers for Real-Time PCR?? - I can't find the proper ones... (reply: 7)
where to buy rotorgene real-time rt-pcr kits? - (reply: 4)
Real-Time RT-PCR one-step and two step issue - (reply: 13)
Real-Time PCR primer vs conventional PCR primer - (reply: 5)
about real time qPCR - (reply: 1)
What went wrong in my qPCR? - please look at the dissociation curve (reply: 27)
Can DEPC-water interfere QPCR reaction? - (reply: 4)
Ncode miRNA RT & qPCR system - can mRNA be reverse transcribed in same RT reaction? (reply: 4)
Need helps with my QPCR result - (reply: 1)
Negative Control for ChIP realtime PCR in Mouse - (reply: 12)
gene-specific qPCR primers for a multigene family - primer design (reply: 5)
qPCR quantification of ChIP DNA - (reply: 2)
Optimizing multiplex RT-qPCR - (reply: 3)