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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
61. Bioluminescence vs Fluorescence Microscope - (reply: 5)
62. Ratio to ?g/?l - (reply: 1)
63. phosphate buffered saline solution for in vivo testing - (reply: 4)
64. Cell Counting - (reply: 1)
65. How to prevent leaking during IP injection in mice? - (reply: 1)
66. protein concentration in molar amount - (reply: 1)
67. Problem with growing HEK293 - (reply: 3)
68. Calculation of mg/ml protein concentration in my sample - (reply: 1)
69. Question about transfecting siRNA into cells - (reply: 1)
70. Mammalian Cell Lysis - (reply: 1)
71. Buffer in His Tag Isolation - (reply: 2)
72. Lysis buffer preparation - (reply: 1)
73. Understanding the calculation - (reply: 1)
74. Counting and seeding cells?]. - (reply: 1)
75. Difference between HEPES and HEPES sodium salt ? - (reply: 1)
76. quick dilution question urgent - (reply: 1)
77. microscopic slide cleaning and storing - (reply: 2)
78. Transfer buffer with methanol spill - (reply: 5)
79. 1 M tris pH 6.8 buffer preparation using tris and Tris HCL (No conc HCL) - (reply: 4)
80. DNA extraction from hair - issues on nanodrop - (reply: 1)
81. Protein detection and quantitation on textiles - (reply: 1)
82. Lipofectamine 3000 Protocol Written Out With Timing Specifics Regarding the Tran - (reply: 1)
83. Gel Electrophoresis: Gel Poured With Water - (reply: 2)
84. Total recovery of lyophilized enzyme standard ;) - (reply: 1)
85. Standard curve using ImageJ - (reply: 4)
86. Dilution help - (reply: 4)
87. What does mean by the corresponding authror - (reply: 2)
88. Can someone help me on my primer design? (contains flag tag) - (reply: 2)
89. Fluoresence Microscopy - (reply: 2)
90. bacterial rna isolation - (reply: 1)