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microscopic slide cleaning and storing - (Oct/13/2016 )

we do lot of gram staining and some spore staining. we normally wash our slides with detergent then rinse in D/w, dry it and store it. But on reusing this slide we have to flame it and also clean it with alcohol number of times to make it grease free. also these reused slides have some sort of deposit which does not go with cleaning and even does not hamper our staining too. can anyone please suggest the best simple way to clean microscopic slide and to make it grease free and how to store it.


Grease can be removed very effectively with non-polar solvents such as acetone and xylene. Deposit removal depends on what the deposit is. Try washing in the solvents used to prepare the dyes.


I heard that ultrasound baths do wonders in hard to clean slides

-El Crazy Xabi-