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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
91. Pull Down Assay - (reply: 2)
92. Transfection with Lipofectamine and PEI, differences - (reply: 2)
93. UV-Imaging Chambers: Oversaturation from many gel lanes? - (reply: 1)
94. Problem dissolving sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate? - (reply: 1)
95. How to check viscosity of non dairy whip cream - (reply: 1)
96. Dissolving a protein abstract - (reply: 5)
97. Stock solution - (reply: 4)
98. Intracellular Metal Quantitation - (reply: 3)
99. 2 different quenchers in 1 assay? - (reply: 1)
100. What are the different methods to inhibit a gene in an organism? - (reply: 1)
101. Conversion of milligram weighing Alkaline phosphatase powder to U/L solution - (reply: 3)
102. Chromatography machines? - (reply: 2)
103. Preparation of d5-creatinine - (reply: 1)
104. Dilution plating incubation time - (reply: 2)
105. Kindly help in validating stock solutions calculations - (reply: 1)
106. Arranging DNA sequences in text file - (reply: 2)
107. Can I incubate two membranes in one container? - (reply: 2)
108. Any suggestion for SDS-PAGE protocol? - (reply: 1)
109. Serial dilution - (reply: 6)
110. Peptide Synthesis - (reply: 3)
111. Can I clean polypropylene tube with 70% ethanol and MilliQ water? - (reply: 4)
112. need help calculating stock primer concentration - (reply: 1)
113. Unicorn software - logarithmic gradient - (reply: 1)
114. What's happen to pre-sterilized syringe filter that had been expired? - (reply: 4)
115. PCR inhibitors - (reply: 1)
116. Microinjection of cells into the lumen of spheroids ? - (reply: 1)
117. Protein concetation at 280 nm - (reply: 1)
118. downregulation of protein with ON-TARGET plus Non-targeting pool - Dharmacon - (reply: 1)
119. Unused Lab Materials - (reply: 2)
120. Problems in ligation. - (reply: 2)