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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
481. Checking pH of RNase Free Solutions - (reply: 1)
482. Calculation Bacteria - (reply: 10)
483. Sodium Phosphate Buffer - (reply: 4)
484. Cancer cells culture - (reply: 1)
485. viability/integrity stain of fungal cells - (reply: 5)
486. help for blood collection and centrifugation for ELISA - (reply: 1)
487. impurities after DNA extraction with promega kit!!!!!!&# - (reply: 6)
488. How does DEPC work to inactivate RNases - (reply: 3)
489. NBT solution in X-Gal staining - (reply: 1)
490. Question about micrscope condenser - (reply: 1)
491. Low DNA concentration from mini-preps - (reply: 3)
492. Adjusting pH of RPMI/ bicarbonate containing media - (reply: 9)
493. BrdU immunofluorescence protocol - (reply: 4)
494. Accidentally made 2X LB broth - (reply: 1)
495. Spectrophotometry- NADH absorbance? - (reply: 8)
496. Lentiviral media - HEPES buffered DMEM - do I titrate? - (reply: 1)
497. Ethanol precipitation of DNA. How long...? - (reply: 3)
498. Preparing Solutions - (reply: 5)
499. separate plant protoplast from bacteria‏ prior DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
500. Proteinase K digestion time. - (reply: 5)
501. electronic multichannel pipette - would you recommend it? - (reply: 3)
502. Please look at my gel picture, poor EthBr staining - (reply: 2)
503. Good Scanner for Western Films? - (reply: 2)
504. Phenol ChCl3--upper or lower phase (?) - (reply: 5)
505. Help opening a sealed Desiccator - (reply: 2)
506. Making a Phosphate Buffered Saline - (reply: 4)
507. sonication to break apart a protein- is this feasible? - (reply: 2)
508. Ferum level estimation in saliva - (reply: 6)
509. DNA extraction for MCF-7 and HeLa - (reply: 4)
510. solutions containing different concentrations of oxaloacetate, malate, and NADH - (reply: 1)